Park City Shin'kawasaki Post Office en Kawasaki

JapónPark City Shin'kawasaki Post Office



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒212-0054 Kanagawa, Kawasaki, Saiwai Ward, Ogura, 1−1 パークシティ新川崎西三番街D棟
contactos teléfono: +81 44-522-3777
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5489277, Longitude: 139.6739899

comentarios 5

  • さくらこ



    Although I didn't have a cold or coronavirus, I went to send the mail while feeling extremely unwell for various reasons. The person in front of me was clearly the type of person who took a long time, and even though there were other people, no one tried to serve the customer. When I finally found the room next to me empty, I went to the room and found out that I had no idea what they were talking about. I pointed towards the back of the room, and when I looked, I saw that there was someone going through some sort of procedure first, and that person had been called over. I waited again, and this time it was empty, so when I went there, there was no one to say, "Sorry to have kept you waiting," which made me very uncomfortable. After I finished processing the mail, I heard the sound of a tray being thrown, so I turned around and saw the person serving the customer and two or three other people in the back looking at me, which made me feel sick. I guess they thought I had a bad attitude because I wasn't feeling well or feeling well. Why is it that no one looks back at me when I'm waiting in line? I'm surprised that people still have such bad attitudes these days.

  • Kazuaki E.

    Kazuaki E.


    It's good that it's not crowded. Also, it's good that you can now use barcode payment.

  • caze can

    caze can


  • Hwxyz Jpg

    Hwxyz Jpg


    It feels bad. The air is heavy and dark. It didn't make me feel good. I don't want to use it.

  • 横須賀史朗



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