Fukagawa Post Office en Koto City

JapónFukagawa Post Office



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-4-2 Tōyō, Koto City, Tokyo 135-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-943-708
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6702731, Longitude: 139.8179392

comentarios 5

  • 和泉リオ



    I waited at the ticket number for about 5-10 minutes and went to the counter. I brought about 10 regular mail items of different weights. I was told that ``if it's 10 or more items, you'll need to have it sent by postage,'' so I couldn't send it with a stamp. I was also told that I would have to stamp it myself and that I would be given priority to go to the counter (I was given something like a card) when it was over. I told them that the last time I brought the same amount with them, they didn't treat me like that, and that at another post office the staff stamped separate payments, but they treated me coldly, saying that's the rule. I got it. After stamping and filling out the documents, I waited in front of the counter, but the number plate was called, but the priority card was not called, so I had to wait another 5 minutes. Finally, at the time of accounting, even though I had checked cashless on the document, they accepted payment in cash until I informed them. ・When sending 10 or more pieces of mail, if it is necessary to send them separately, unify them. ・If you have to pay separately, write that fact somewhere, and if it is written, post it clearly (I have been to the post office many times, but I have not received more than 10 pieces. This is the first time I learned about it) ・If you want to give priority guidance, do as stated. ・Properly explain how to fill out documents and stamp them, and check them after filling them out. We would like to request the above response. In the first place, I believe that postage-paid mail is not compulsory. (I confirmed this officially, but I apologize if I'm being uneducated). I understand that there are irregular rules due to post office circumstances, but if they are to be established, I hope they will be handled properly and fairly.

  • 米田捺乃



    I hadn't received an important document, so when I checked it, I found that it had already been returned to the sender because the person in question was not present. He did not submit an absentee ballot and has no history of pressing the intercom. How do you notice it?

  • Tsukasa Imai

    Tsukasa Imai


    The person from the company I requested to pick up and deliver the Yu-Pack package was slightly irritated because it seems that the shipping label was attached incorrectly. What kind of person are you?As everyone has written, it's disgusting.

  • 大清水大地



    As soon as the automatic door opens, the staff will start dancing and approach you.

  • abdul rozaq latif fauzan

    abdul rozaq latif fauzan


    They has 24h yuyu locket. I still be able to send package after I got home late night.

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