パーラー高原 in Kamo




🕗 öffnungszeiten

11-21 Sakaechō, Kamo, Niigata 959-1382, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-53-0209
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.661936, Longitude: 139.042698

kommentare 5

  • w th

    w th


    Currently, in-store dining is available until 3:00 p.m. We operate on a self-service basis. Customers order at the counter, go to pick up their dishes when they are ready, and then put down their own utensils after the meal. I paid the bill when I left the store. I think it's actually more relaxed and it's nice to be able to communicate with the master. Since I was alone, I hesitated and tried to sit at the counter in the back, but the master advised me to go to the brighter side (*^^*) The menu has been narrowed down, but the popular spaghetti items are still available. I'm sure the environment has changed in many ways over the past few years, but I'm grateful that you've been able to continue running the store while adapting to the circumstances.

  • おにくさん



    I ordered a hamburger Napoli. Delicious and filling! I'm happy😊💕

  • ゆんの



    The location is a little hard to find, but people who know it locally know that it's more of an old-fashioned coffee shop than a cafe. The menu is extensive, but it's pretty slow. That's minus 1⤵️ The inside of the store is not that big, but the atmosphere is nice and you can relax if you are not pressed for time 🤗 This time I ordered plateau pasta🍝. It was very filling⤴️⤴️After that, I also ordered a fruit parfait🍨😋As for the food⤴️😉👍️✨

  • class 8

    class 8


    A nostalgic coffee shop in a residential area of ​​Kamo City that has remained unchanged since ancient times. It feels like a shop that is used by local people. Mom may be a bit hard of hearing, but she doesn't respond when I call her from her seat, so I have to speak loudly when ordering (lol) I ate the hamburger pilaf, and the portion was quite large, so I think even men would be satisfied with it. The taste was original and delicious. The parking lot is on a gravel lot next to the store, but there are no white lines or anything like that. It feels like I'm going to park my head on the right side of the road.

  • maruco 162

    maruco 162


    The exterior and interior were beautiful and the food was delicious. The menu included pasta, curry, and omelet rice. Most of the menu items are under 1000 yen, and the portions are large so you can eat to your heart's content. However, since it is located in a residential area, it may be difficult to find the store.

nächste Cafe

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