ルイジアナママ* in Sanjo




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2-chōme-5-32 Ichinomon, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0045, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-35-3038
webseite: www.l-mama.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.6313581, Longitude: 138.9687768

kommentare 5

  • 北澤義衛



    It's called a cafe, so it's a coffee shop. But other than coffee and cake, the food is so delicious that I think it's okay to call it a restaurant. I received seafood rice for 1,200 yen. Until the dish arrived, I had imagined it to be a salt and pepper flavored pilaf with a whitish color, but I was surprised by the appearance of fried rice with salad. When I tasted it, it felt like a light soy sauce flavor. It was surprising to me, and as I continued to eat it, I was finally convinced that it didn't taste like soy sauce. The rice ingredients are shrimp, scallops, corn, egg, and green pepper. The salad consists of lettuce, cucumber, and tomato with Japanese dressing. The coffee was frothy and brewed, so I thought it was a cafe.

  • マキ



    For the first time in several decades? I visited here. The atmosphere is cute and relaxing, and the menu has a lot of options, so it's fun just to try them out.

  • M iizawa

    M iizawa


    The inside looks like a ski resort lodge in the countryside. I visited for tea. The menu is so rich that I get confused😄 I was intrigued by the extensive food menu, but I'll leave it for another time.

  • ネムネムネムネム



    I used to go there often when I was a student. The owners have changed since then, but it's been about 20 years since the chef who worked there and his wife who was a customer became the current owners.The restaurant has changed while retaining its old atmosphere. I'm a light eater, so I can only eat meals or sweets, and it's a shame that it's always crowded so I can't go casually! There are so many menu items that I'm having a hard time deciding, but since it was a hot day, I had some cold pasta. I did. I had the tomato and bacon, and my mother had the natto, both of which were hearty and delicious. I went there with my children, and my son was embarrassed because there were only female customers.

  • ピンクパンサー



    There are many dishes with cute names. The menu is extensive, including pilaf, pasta, curry, and doria, all of which are truly delicious. I also appreciate that they are open from lunch to dinner.

nächste Cafe

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