paradise*cafe in Kamo




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒959-1361 Niigata, Kamo, Gejō, 甲480 13
kontakte telefon: +81 256-46-8983
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.6520903, Longitude: 139.0355078

kommentare 5

  • めがね座しっぽこ



    It feels like it suddenly appeared in a residential area. I can see that they are putting a lot of effort into their work, and the natural set meal (lunch) is delicious. I do it at certain intervals Looks like it'll be a lot of fun. The quiche also changes monthly. You can enjoy various ingredients! At lunch or at a cafe You can enjoy it leisurely It's a wonderful shop.

  • たまごまんま



    Very cute cafe! Even the toilet is cute...♡ Quiche is very delicious (recommended) We also sell cute cookies etc. It would make a great souvenir (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠

  • れもんらいむ



    A cute cafe located in a quiet residential area! I had a mushroom and butter corn quiche plate for lunch! The corn was so chewy and delicious! On the way home, I bought some baked sweets sold in the store and a Nyanpoko-chan glitter can badge! These baked sweets are also very delicious!

  • じゅり



    I had the paradise parfait and quiche! The quiche was really delicious ( ゚Д゚) Yummy I definitely want to order it next time while looking at the quiche plate next to me! I thought so 😂 The restrooms are super cute too, so I added it to my list of places I want to go to again 🎵

  • 塩むすび



    The cute store welcomes a wide range of customers, from young to old, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It was a weekday, so it was all female, but there were a few people who were alone. The quiche (I forgot to take a photo and only had pasta) is very delicious. There is a parking space available, but if you say it doesn't seem to be in front of the store, they will direct you to an adjacent location.

nächste Cafe

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