Otaru Chūō Hospital w Otaru

JaponiaOtaru Chūō Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-2-18 Irifune, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 134-21-2222
strona internetowej: www.otaruchuo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.1866011, Longitude: 140.9999202

komentarze 5

  • かいり



    I don't want to give even one star, it's negative. My family visited an emergency center in the middle of the night with symptoms of nystagmus, headache, and vomiting. The patient was taken to our hospital as it was considered a high emergency, but when I told them that I had previously been treated at a municipal hospital for migraines, I was told to go there. However, since the city hospital operates on a referral basis, when I asked for a referral letter to be written, I was told that it was not possible because a visiting doctor had examined me. Are there times when you are unable to write because you are a traveling doctor? ? I'm a nurse at another hospital, but if I'm a visiting doctor, a full-time doctor should be able to write on my behalf. I thought it was negligent to look at the patient's medical records, save the images to a CD, and write down the circumstances and conditions of the visit. Moreover, if they recommended a municipal hospital, it would be their job and responsibility to go that far. I think this is an incredible hospital. Once again, the city hospital operates on a referral system, so even though I told her what I needed, the person answering the phone said, ``Why don't you go directly?'' When I work at a hospital and understand the cost and urgency of imaging, I often find myself saying such random things to patients who are suffering from symptoms. It's really the worst hospital. I don't want anyone to come here for treatment, and I hope fewer people feel this way.

  • ひでお



    I had an intravenous drip when I was a child. On the way, I felt pain in my arm and when I called for a nurse, she scolded me for being noisy and ended up calling my parents. I thought it was the worst hospital, but after reading the reviews it seems like it's still the same.

  • ぽんぽんたぬき



    A family member received an intravenous antibiotic for aspiration pneumonia, but the fever temporarily subsided, but the fever soon returned and the patient was given an intravenous antibiotic. Also, the fever would go down temporarily, but then it would come up again and again, and when I told the doctor that it might be bacteria that antibiotics don't work on, he said that it's not the case, since the fever goes down even temporarily. I continued administering the same intravenous drip. However, he was eventually told that he died of bacterial pneumonia that was not resistant to antibiotics. What does it mean when a doctor doesn't notice a cause that even an amateur can understand and it's too late?

  • no name

    no name


    It's better to stop working. It has many roles as a neurosurgical hospital, but the inside is dangerous. Nurses are exhausted. Even in rehabilitation, I saw ST Wakabayashi yelling at a dementia patient who wouldn't eat and forcing him to eat. Of course the patient was crying. There is no evidence for such a response, and no matter how plausible the excuse is, it is just abuse. Patients are not your toys. Are you abusing someone based only on your experience and feelings? The environment that allows this is also dangerous. Even those who turn a blind eye are perpetrators.

  • 桜おーちゃん



    I was surprised that I could hear other patients' explanations of their medical conditions. I was asked to wait in the middle waiting area, and while I was waiting, I was told that those who had completed the test would be seen first, so I thought it would be okay if there was only one person, so I continued to wait. Then, I was told the details of the test results even though I didn't want to hear them, and I thought I would be called next, but the nurse told me that the other person with the test results would go first, and it took a long time to explain. It will take a while. I was also waiting for this? If it took longer than that, I would have preferred to be examined in order. We didn't have much time either, so we just gave him some medicine. I'll think about it next time

najbliższy Szpital

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