Iryo Hojin Sanseikai Miyanomori Memorial Clinics w Sapporo

JaponiaIryo Hojin Sanseikai Miyanomori Memorial Clinics



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-5-25 Miyanomori 3 Jō, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0953, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-641-6641
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0621966, Longitude: 141.3027087

komentarze 5

  • にしイチロー



    I was hospitalized for about half a year, but I think the occupational therapists and physical therapists are very good. Some of the nurses are strong-willed, but I think they are doing their best. The downside is that the front desk has Wi-Fi, but the patient room (4th floor) doesn't, and the monthly conferences are held without the patient (the patient), just the attending physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and the patient's relatives. I think it's something to put away.

  • d.i.e Gt

    d.i.e Gt


    A relative was admitted to the hospital for rehabilitation after leg surgery, but the treatment from the doctor and social worker was terrible. Neither the attending doctor nor the social worker appear in the patient's room, and the attending physician only appears during conferences with the family. I also wanted to apply for a disability certificate, so when I asked for a medical certificate to be written, the social worker, not the doctor in charge, insisted, ``This hospital can't do it. Please have it written at the hospital where you had the surgery.'' Isn't that strange? When I heard the doctor in charge say, ``Will it cost money to write a medical certificate?'' I thought that he had no intention of writing anything. As for social workers, even though physical therapists told them about installing handrails after discharge from the hospital at an early stage, they rushed to make arrangements until the person was about to be discharged from the hospital, and they also provided community comprehensive support to their families. He ends up telling a lie that arrangements will be delayed because the center is busy. The lie was discovered because the patient had made a note of when the physical therapist spoke to the social worker. Still, the social worker tried to cover up the lie by saying it was a misunderstanding because the person in the hospital was older. I don't want to give a star like this because hospitals like this shouldn't exist, but I gave it a star. If anyone is going to be admitted to this hospital in the future, please refer to this review.

  • 野呂英衛



    This is a hospital that tries its best to keep patients hospitalized for as long as possible in order to make money.

  • さかなちゃん



    My previous review disappeared, so I'm posting it again.When a relative of mine was hospitalized, she seemed nice on the outside, but I happened to overhear her saying bad things about my relative in the nurse's waiting area. It was a shock. The doctor also gave an explanation that seemed to leave a way out when dealing with the patient's condition.

  • K P

    K P


    It's neither good nor bad.

najbliższy Szpital

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