Otafuku en Taitō-ku




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒111-0033 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Hanakawado, 1 Chome−2−6 中傳ビル 3階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3871-2521
sitio web: www.otafuku.ne.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7112402, Longitude: 139.7983768

comentarios 5

  • Obi Felten

    Obi Felten


    A truly wonderful place. I sat by myself at the bar and everyone went out of their way to educate me about the food. I had delicious tuna and rice in broth before working up the courage to try the Oden which was amazing too. Unlike ramen the broth is kelp and fish, which is great for pescatarians. It is a little bit hard to find, 3rd floor of a nondescript building. Look for Banchina Italian restaurant which has a big yellow sign.

  • Jonathan Stoutlager Khee

    Jonathan Stoutlager Khee


    Google maps says that this place is permanently closed. Can anyone verify this?

  • en

    Jan Hüther


    Great food and a Unique Atmosphere!!

  • Yoshifumi Yokoyama

    Yoshifumi Yokoyama


    Not affordable:-(

  • Ramit Bhalla

    Ramit Bhalla


    My introduction to Oden food. I was out looking for Sushi when I came across this. Excellent food, super service. Very friendly. Has an English menu and they explained the whole experience to me patiently. Super tasty and good atmosphere.

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