Asakusa Unatetsu en Taitō-ku

JapónAsakusa Unatetsu



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1 Chome-2-11 Hanakawado, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 111-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5830-3302
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.711341, Longitude: 139.7984582

comentarios 5

  • William Chang

    William Chang


    The food is delicious, but the price of these food is a little bit expensive.

  • en

    tyler kim


    A bit too pricey. Staff was nice and the unagi was okay though.

  • Mel A

    Mel A


    Cute spot located just next to the river. They have an upstairs section also so don't worry too much if it looks full at the lower level. They had space to store our large luggage/ bags while we were there. The service for the unagi was very slow but if you have things to chat about , and food to snack on (skewers etc) then it's not so bad. The unagi itself was very tasty! :) a bit pricey (close to 3000yen for a medium plate with rice, add on 150 for a set..miso and pickles)

  • Serene Phongpandecha

    Serene Phongpandecha


    I really like the Shio (salt) Unagi Set. The Shio set comes with 2 sizes: regular and big. If you are going there alone, I suggest u to have the the regular size of the Shio set, and a plate of Tare (sauce) unagi with no rice. This way you can try both Tare and Shio Unagi. The texture of the shio unagi is a little crispy.

  • Weijia Zhang

    Weijia Zhang


    Delicious bowl of hitsumabushi, but priced a little too steep. We reached around noon and had to wait an hour and half for seats. Service is slow and not very attentive. Alright to visit if you’re in the area and have time as taste wise it’s still pretty decent, but probably won’t come again.

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