Shingari en Chiyoda-ku




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒101-0025 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Sakumachō, 2 Chome−22, 秋葉原再開発ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5829-6500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6985674, Longitude: 139.7764466

comentarios 5

  • en

    Grace Herbert


    Staff and other customers were unfriendly. We were polite but do not speak much Japanese. Staff only let us order twice before telling us we had to leave. Other customers pointed at us and laughed while we were seated. We love Japan but this was a very uncomfortable experience and we won't be returning to this izakaya.

  • en

    Karen sun


    food is really bad here..........

  • en

    Stephen Judkins


    Delicious food and friendly staff, with an English menu. The payment system is different than most other places: they have table service but you put your cash in a basket where they take payment and make change on delivery of your food. Some of the best fried chicken I've ever had. My wife thinks it's the very best fried chicken she's ever had.

  • Kogorou Kitamoto

    Kogorou Kitamoto



  • Hisa Horie

    Hisa Horie


    One of my favorite Izakaya, something about their payment system just tickles something. (they have baskets dangling from the ceiling where you put money and the waiters take payment on an as you go basis) Food is just average but the atmosphere makes a lot for it.

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