osteria inizio w Shimonoseki

Japoniaosteria inizio



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-1-27 Akadachō, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0841, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 83-252-5029
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9919022, Longitude: 130.9224488

komentarze 5

  • りんりん



    I visited for lunch for the first time♪ The polite customer service and the reasonably priced and delicious pasta lunch were amazing! I'll visit you again ✨

  • あご王子



    A lunch 1,870 yen Appetizers (many items, all delicious) Soup (clams chowder) Pasta of choice (Amatriciana) Mini dessert (bitchy cake piece and half a strawberry) Drinks (coffee, tea, orange juice) The appetizers and soups were delicious. Well, this is what pasta is all about. It's not that it wasn't delicious, but the texture and seasoning of the noodles wasn't what I expected. Neither good nor bad. The mini desserts have an incredible amount of food, so you can skip them altogether.

  • signal555



    I went there for lunch. It wasn't particularly crowded, but there aren't many parking lots, so reservations are recommended. I had a pasta lunch. There are two other courses, but reservations are required. I was very satisfied with the amount of appetizers, soup (cauliflower), bread (focaccia), choice of pasta, drinks (coffee/tea/orange juice), and desserts (pudding and strawberries). I wasn't sure if the salad dressing for the appetizer was carrot-based or something, but it was delicious and I liked it. It had a variety of things like a small Spanish omelet, nuggets, ratatouille, and barley salad, and they were all delicious. I would have been happy if there was a little more ratatouille, and I liked it perfectly because it had elements of prosciutto/carpaccio (or oil sardines, etc.). We shared the pasta with three family members, so we were able to taste three different types of pasta. ① Minced arabiki pork and cabbage sauce → The crunchiness of the cabbage was just right. The taste was strong. The spaghetti was thin and perfectly cooked. ② Shrimp with tomato cream sauce → The tomato sauce tasted as expected and was comparable to the restaurants I think are delicious. I thought it would be nice if they soaked it up with a little more sauce. There was chewy fettuccine, but I thought other pasta would also go well. ③ Carbonara → The sauce was a little thin, the meat (bacon?) was shredded almost like mince, and the pasta was thin, and although the flavor was strong, it was refreshing. I like a rich carbonara with lots of sauce and lots of bacon. However, I thought this carbonara was good and would like to eat it again. I would like to try pizza, and next time I would like to try dinner as well.

  • めびる



    For lunch, there are 3 courses to choose from: A, B, and C. This time I ordered course A. Course A comes with pasta, salad, soup, gelato, and drink. There were about 10 different types of pasta to choose from. You can also choose from drinks such as coffee, tea, and orange juice. It seems like it's run by a couple, so it seems like it took a while from ordering to being served. Might not be suitable if you want to finish quickly... The store also sells handmade items. They had fashionable accessories and materials such as beads, and the prices were reasonable.

  • M



    My favorite pasta restaurant in the city. The taste is outstanding. Good cost performance too! ! The store is also clean and comfortable! Some people say it's just the store staff, but I've been here many times and have never thought of that. I have a good impression of the customer service.

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