Sumire w Shimonoseki




🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-13-23 Takezakichō, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0025, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 83-222-3191
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9521696, Longitude: 130.9208788

komentarze 5

  • 林珮瑤



    A very quaint hotel, the owner is very friendly and the service is very good. The dinner was super sumptuous, and I was afraid that everyone would not be full. It was the first time I saw such sumptuous sukiyaki. The breakfast was also great. It was such a pleasure to stay here.

  • kaori 17

    kaori 17


    Is this a rip-off? ? The blowfish dish was very delicious. The website also states that private rooms are available, and since I had a small child, I requested a private room in advance so as not to disturb others, and booked the dinner-only 50,000-course plan for two people. However, when I looked at my account statement, in addition to the service charge, I was charged an additional 50,000 yen for the private room. If you're staying overnight, you'll understand, but the price was higher than the plan at the actual restaurant you're staying at. I wish they had at least told me in advance how much it would cost for a private room. Without any prior explanation, the delicious food and service were ruined. There are a lot of water businesses next door, and the landlady runs the water business, so I thought that might be the connection. It is understandable that this amount is charged for water business compared to the average private room fee and average service fee in Japan. Considering the amount, the customer service was average.

  • 岩田悟



    As a once-a-year luxury, I enjoyed a full course of Fugu. The dishes were so plentiful that there was so much blowfish sashimi left until the end.Every dish was delicious, and I literally had the cod belly. Satisfied and satisfied😊.

  • 大好きババロア



    It has the feel of an old inn, but the staff's customer service was good and it was comfortable. I came here for a drinking party, and I can't say enough about the food to be very delicious. If you are traveling with children, the surrounding area may be a bit of a concern.

  • M太郎



    These are my impressions as a family bath only. The only long-established Japanese-style inn in the area seems to have four day-trip family baths open to the public, and the building itself has quite an atmosphere. The entrance is the same as the noren of a Japanese-style inn, so you won't notice it unless you know about it. The bath and surrounding area seem to have been renovated about five years ago and are modern, but there are stairs and steps, so it may be a bit difficult for people with walking disabilities. It seems to be the birthplace of a famous composer, and various celebrities have come to stay there, and it was decorated with colored paper. With the passage of time, other inns have disappeared from the area and it seems to have become an entertainment district, and there is also an adult store for men in front of the inn, making it a bit difficult to see where to look. I can't say the location is great, but I was very satisfied with the price.

najbliższy Kwatera

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