Omiya Takashimaya Post office w Saitama

JaponiaOmiya Takashimaya Post office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒330-0846 Saitama, Omiya Ward, Daimonchō, 1-chōme−32 大宮タカシマヤ 8階
kontakt telefon: +81 48-643-6220
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9062882, Longitude: 139.6261589

komentarze 5

  • K M

    K M


    It takes time to climb up to the 8th floor. I don't understand why there is a post office on such an upper floor.There is also a post office on the first floor of a building called Omiyamon Street, which is located across from the W intersection and is about a 1 minute walk from Takashimaya. It became. In fact, I can't help but feel the dark side of the postal industry, wondering if it's okay to have two stores so close together.

  • 慎吾



    The post office is open even on Saturdays and holidays. However, since it is located inside Takashima, its business hours are different from those of other post offices in the city.

  • ネコ子



    Recently, Japan Post Bank ATMs have increased in convenience stores near Omiya Station, but there are fees on Saturdays and Sundays. There are fees when using an ATM near Omiya Station. I'll use this ATM. Until recently, there was an ATM on the first floor. For some reason it was removed so I have to go to the 8th floor. It's a little difficult not to go though. There is an elevator so it doesn't take that long It's good because it doesn't cost anything.

  • きさら



    I use it every time I give a gift to a friend overseas. As someone who works on weekdays, I am very grateful that they are open even on Sundays and holidays. Regarding overseas shipping, the staff will take a very detailed look at how to fill out the invoice sheet, and will even explain why you should be concerned about this, so it doesn't feel like a ``labor''. I'm learning a lot. It's very helpful! !

  • Kali C

    Kali C


    On the 8th floor!

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