Kawagoe-Nishi Japan Post w Kawagoe

JaponiaKawagoe-Nishi Japan Post



🕗 godziny otwarcia

22-1 Komuro, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-1199, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-091-563
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9144619, Longitude: 139.4665521

komentarze 5

  • koji tommy

    koji tommy


    There are some worst delivery staff who don't even ring the doorbell or put the delivery in the delivery box, only leaving behind an absentee note, lying and saying, ``I rang the doorbell, I knocked, but it's too heavy for the delivery box.'' In the end, he lied, saying, ``I can't give it to you unless I get your signature.'' When I complained over the phone, I was told that the company was a contractor. It's strange to outsource to such a terrible company! Such a malicious delivery person should be immediately fired and the subcontractor should be changed!

  • みけ



    This post office is staffed by delivery staff who do not record absenteeism, treat customers as absent, request redeliveries without permission, and work without regard to the convenience of customers. If you live in the service area, it is better to use Kuroneko Yamato or Sagawa Express instead of using this service to avoid any discomfort.

  • 尾沼社会保険労務士事務所



    It will be the largest post office in the western part of Saitama Prefecture. The postal service is open 365 days a year. There are things I rely on the most when thinking about work. It is unfortunate that the convenience has been reduced only by shortening business hours since the start of "work style reform".

  • unp acthpa

    unp acthpa


    I tried to buy some stamps, but they said, ``I can't buy it because it's an after-hours counter. There is one available at the Yu-Yu counter until 7:00 pm, but it's closed.'' Eh, wouldn't it be better if you walked a few steps and got it? Other post offices sell them normally even after hours. Can you sell me the stamps from that Yu-Yu counter? Even if I ask, I can't understand. Do you think that the other person will be satisfied if you say, ``The counter over there has it, but we don't have it here?'' What is it?

  • Per Aspera Ad Astra

    Per Aspera Ad Astra


    Postal workers have changed, used to be helpful but ...

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