Okura Hotel Marugame w Marugame

JaponiaOkura Hotel Marugame


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-3-50 Fujimichō, Marugame, Kagawa 763-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 877-23-2222
strona internetowej: www.okurahotel.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.306807, Longitude: 133.7952054

komentarze 5

  • G Skou

    G Skou


    The hotel is situated at the nice quite area . The room that I stayed had a great view to the sea. The staff is very polite. The rooms are outdated and need refurbishment. TV does not have any international channels. Should have an iron and iron board available at every room and not on request. Key system is also outdated as you have to enter the room with conventional keys that you have to return to the front desk when you exit the hotel. In the bathroom everything is located for example the mirror and the shower that I had bend in order to use them.

  • Travel Gtr

    Travel Gtr


    I think this should be a good hotel for business events. It is OK if you are traveling as a tourist. Staff were friendly and helpful. It is around 25 minutes walk from the main train station. There are not many restaurants or any convenience stores nearby. There is an infrequent community bus to the station. It is also a little bit on the older side.

  • Panagiotis Mostrous

    Panagiotis Mostrous


    The hotel is located by the sea near the city center. The rooms are a bit bigger than standard but they are dated. The hotel definitely needs a renovation as you can feel it’s age. The room was clean with typical amenities. Breakfast was included in the room rate but it was poor with limited western and Japanese choices. Quality also was mediocre. The hotel staff was very friendly and attentive.

  • GMT



    This is not a review of the hotel and its wonderful staff but the beer terrace dinner buffet open over the summer. Unfortunately the quality of the food and in particular the steak has declined over the last two years. It isn't now worth spending the money despite the free drinks and we have stopped going.

  • Jerry L

    Jerry L


    Our room was clean and comfortable. Various options were provided in both dinner and breakfast.

najbliższy Kwatera

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