Oku Nikko Hotel Shikisai i Nikko

JapanOku Nikko Hotel Shikisai



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2485 Chūgūshi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-022-251
internet side: www.hotel-shikisai.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.747286, Longitude: 139.471709

kommentar 5

  • Paula Cerenius

    Paula Cerenius


    Lovely hotel with nice onsen! We stayed in a traditional japanese room and found it very nice. The hotel has a somewhat retro feel that we enjoyed very much, the breakfast and the free drinks were also very nice. Staff was very kind and helpful, especially the shuttle bus driver, who helped us out a lot! It is also very nice to get out of Nikko main town, and stay by the lake. Would definitely recommend!

  • Ellen



    I was extremely disappointed with my recent stay at this hotel. High price and the service lacking. We could not drink a small drink at the bar or restaurant. Clearly there was room and space. Vending machine had no alcohol so only option: buy expensive bottle of Nihonshu and drink at the room. This is very poor service. The value for money just wasn't there, as the amenities and overall hotel condition did not justify the high cost. I regret choosing this hotel and would not recommend it to others looking for a quality stay.

  • Paul Clappers

    Paul Clappers


    I wouldn't recommend going here. It's very old and not cleaned properly. There is dust everywhere in the lobby, and there were dead flies everywhere in the restaurant. This was supposed to be the highlight of our holiday, and it was deception. The food was ok, but not as good as advertised and expected.The room was fine, although there were a lot of cigarette buds on the balcony. I made a complaint at the hotel and the handled it perfectly. I hope they will improve their hygiene and renovate the lobby. And I really don't understand where all these positive reviews are coming from.

  • Hitalo Soares

    Hitalo Soares


    It's a beautiful hotel and the rooms are nice and clean. The onsen is also very nice and relaxing. Unfortunately the problem with our stay was with the foreign workers at the hotel. The first issue occurred when we checked in the hotel receptionist, said because you didn't reserve a time you can only eat at these times. We booked through a third party and there was no indication that we needed to make a reservation for dinner time beforehand. Usually in all Japanese hotels it can be done upon checkin. Just the way he said it was very rude as if blaming us for not doing it. The second terrible service was during dinner, it took a long time for anyone to even ask us if we wanted water. I almost stood up and had to get it myself, during the dinner for a lot of the time the servants were running around and several tables including our own were ignored. After I explained to the receptionist our experience he took offense and didn't take it seriously. It seemed every interaction with staff particularly the foreign ones was bad. These experiences with the staff left a bad taste in what we had hoped would have been a wonderful day. We traveled so far and the hotel was not cheap. Unfortunately I will not be back and I cannot recommend this place to anyone.

  • geri miragaya

    geri miragaya


    Very nice hotel, public bath was a bit smelly, however the outside area was beautiful! Some of the staff didn't speak English at all but still they were super nice and friendly as well as helpful, the room has some outdated details but still a very authentic Japanese room! Views to the mountains and the lake were also beautiful. Breakfasts was lovely and the overall experience was great! Would definitely go back

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