Hoshino Resorts KAI Nikko i Nikko

JapanHoshino Resorts KAI Nikko


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2482-1 Chūgūshi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3134-8092
internet side: hoshinoresorts.com
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Latitude: 36.736474, Longitude: 139.4966859

kommentar 5

  • Aloysius Chang

    Aloysius Chang


    Absolutely one of the best resort hotels I have ever stayed in. The rooms were massive and clean, the dining was luxurious, and everything else was just top notch. Further, the hotel is located right next to Lake Chuzenji, which is a prime location for exploring Oku Nikko as part of a two day itinerary. Highly recommended.

  • Maggie Chau

    Maggie Chau


    First time to stay at Kai Nikko. We enjoyed our stay very much. Spacious room, clean and well-decor. Both public and private onsens are very nice. Most staff are helpful, kind and professional. Dinner and breakfast are OK, serving local cuisine. It will be great if western breakfast is provided as a choice. Hotel is well located, facing the Chuzenji Lake and main tourist spots are nearby. Would recommend!

  • Louise



    We had a wonderful stay at this beautiful hotel. The view of the lake from our room was superb. Staff were all so friendly and helpful. The food in the restaurant was delicious and beautifully presented. We loved the onsen. The location was perfect, with the lake, forest, waterfalls, and shrines just a walk or a short bus ride away.

  • Hongyou Liu

    Hongyou Liu


    It is conveniently located near Chuzenji Onsen bus terminal, but still quite a walk. The shuttle bus timings are not very frequent also so it's good to do your research to find out. The room decor, while traditional, was quite dated. Some of the fittings in the room seem to have been there for quite a while, though they were in working condition. The service was great, they accommodated to my request for meals without seafood and they made changes to the many dishes that were affected

  • Adam Shoshani

    Adam Shoshani


    Absolutely loved our time here. A great Japanese onsen experience in a high quality hotel. The hotel is beautifully designed in traditional style with wood everywhere. It’s true that it could use some big renovation with some issues spotted but we enjoyed every part of it. The lobby is comfortable and cozy, with free sake tastings in the evening and a coffee and tea bar. The onsen (indoors and outdoors) is clean, spacious and great and the location is perfect right on the lake. Had Japanese breakfast which accommodated for our vegetarian request and was delicious and overall just had a great experience.

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