Ofuna Chuo Hospital w Kamakura

JaponiaOfuna Chuo Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-2-24 Ōfuna, Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-0056, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 467-45-2111
strona internetowej: www.ofunachuohp.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.3515883, Longitude: 139.5382377

komentarze 5

  • 朋子



    After day surgery for senile cataracts, I can now see very well in both eyes. I had to wait 4 months from the time I was diagnosed until I had the surgery, and I can see how many patients do this. I'm a male teacher. Diagnosis was prompt. Surgery is also quick! is. All the staff are efficient and nice. Thank you very much. Most patients are elderly. There are all kinds of people, including the elderly who are hard of hearing and people who complain at the reception desk. Some people may feel uncomfortable when their teacher yells at them loudly. However, for me, he is a bright, refreshing, and skilled teacher. The chairs in the waiting room are comfortable to sit on, but I gave it 4 stars because the toilet is old and small.

  • ひらせりえ



    I was rushed to the hospital and was hospitalized for several days. Although it is an old general hospital, it is well maintained. There is not enough space in the general reception area. Most of the nurses are kind and polite. The doctor in charge of my late-night emergency and the doctor in charge when I was hospitalized were very kind and gave explanations that were easy to understand. I believe that the reason for the dispersion in evaluations (many negative evaluations) is the disparity among the doctors, nurses, assistants, and administrative staff in charge. For example, when there is only a little fluid left in an IV, Nurse A responds by saying, ``There's about 0 minutes left, so I'll replace it at that time,'' while Nurse B says, ``Please wait until it's time.'' (No, if this continues, the infusion will run out and the blood near the needle will start to coagulate.) Large hospitals are like Russian roulette, where your rating is determined by who wins. (It really depends on luck)

  • YU2 YU

    YU2 YU


    The male ophthalmologist is too overbearing. Full-time? I am a teacher who has many outpatient clinics. This is a rare type these days. The story is difficult for older people to understand, and the language is poor. I'm surprised that there are teachers who speak like this in the Reiwa era. No wonder there are similar reviews. They will recommend treatment that is not covered by insurance, and I was told in a second opinion that it is not suitable for you. I don't want to give any stars

  • Katsumi hayama

    Katsumi hayama


    The internal medicine department's response to diabetic patients is highly rated. I feel that they treat me in a friendly manner and from a broader perspective. It's the feel. Around the same time, I was also receiving orthopedic surgery. The nervous system seems difficult to understand for orthopedics. Currently on drug therapy Since it is from December 2023, we will repost if there are any changes.

  • チョロ



    I was given the wrong prescription twice in a row by an otorhinolaryngologist. I took the medicine without realizing it, and when I got home, I noticed the difference and called the hospital.The receptionist at the otolaryngology clinic who answered the phone seemed like a nuisance from the beginning, never apologized, and spoke in a high-pressure manner, as if it was a hassle. Can you respond without even bothering to listen properly and come to the hospital to pick up your prescription? I was told. The first time, I thought there was nothing I could do about it, so I went to pick it up and went to the pharmacy again. And the second time. The otolaryngology receptionist was different, but the treatment was the same. As I was talking with a hint of anger in my voice, I heard someone over the phone say, ``This person is angry, so please replace him as a teacher.'' The doctor who replaced me started arguing about what I said and what I didn't say. It's so bad it makes me laugh. Although there seem to be a small number of patients in otorhinolaryngology, I definitely do not recommend it.

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