Fujisawa City Hospital w Fujisawa

JaponiaFujisawa City Hospital


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2-chōme-6-1 Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-8550, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 466-25-3111
strona internetowej: fujisawacity-hosp.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.3507902, Longitude: 139.4822456

komentarze 5

  • ムムムむー



    This is the worst hospital. You can't help but wait, but there's a limit! Especially in the ophthalmology department, there is almost no cooperation between the staff, which is really bad. Basically, the attitude is that it's a very negligent and large hospital, so it's natural to wait, so they've been patient with me until now, but the doctor who saw me today, Tsukamo, is probably a newbie. When I told her that I had symptoms, she gave me an unavoidable response and was eventually recommended to transfer to another hospital. It's the hospital's policy for people whose condition is stable, so I can't repeat it. If he was fine even though he had symptoms, why did he have to go to the hospital for so long? He was an overbearing doctor who couldn't even apologize for keeping me waiting for 4 hours. Dr. Ishido was a doctor who listened carefully, and the other doctors answered what I asked and were conscientious. This is the first time I've met such a cruel doctor. I thought that the attitude and response on top of having to wait was completely unacceptable. If you don't want to listen to patients' stories, wouldn't it be better to do research or something? Anyway, ophthalmology is really miserable. I'm sorry.

  • 大坪順子



    I thought it was the worst hospital. I went with an ambulance to the hospital and had to wait for over 5 and a half hours. During that time, I asked the nurse if I could come out for a while, but she coldly told me to come back in 5 minutes. After that, I had to wait for more than an hour. How long does it take to get to the reception desk? When I inquired about this, I was immediately called and the doctor didn't give any explanation, but the young woman just gave me an explanation. Next time, please quickly call a nursing taxi and get out of here. It was the worst. I was surprised that there is a hospital like this where there is no explanation from the doctor!! ️ I was surprised at the poor response from the nurses!! ️I thought it was the worst.

  • 2 I

    2 I


    My child went to the emergency department with asthma and was admitted to the hospital. Fujisawa City Hospital doesn't waste time (like asking the same questions over and over again) and looks after your child thoroughly, and there is a pediatrician there even after hours, so you can feel at ease. Animation was playing in the waiting room, and the children waited calmly. Everyone was kind to me during my stay in the hospital, and the food was plentiful and looked delicious, and even my son, who usually doesn't eat well, ate his entire meal! At larger hospitals, you might have to wait at the checkout counter, but I didn't have to wait that long and was able to go home quickly.

  • Tan Siok-Lay

    Tan Siok-Lay


    My husband has high fever but they refused to help him. I have not seen such a hospital without any mercy and sympathy for patients. Worst hospital in the world!

  • Mohamed Farook Farzan Mohamed

    Mohamed Farook Farzan Mohamed


    Very clean and beautiful

najbliższy Szpital

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