Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital w Yokohama

JaponiaYokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital


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3-chōme-12-1 Shinyamashita, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0801, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 45-628-6100
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Latitude: 35.4363698, Longitude: 139.6636713

komentarze 5

  • nidu jain

    nidu jain


    Pathetic hospital. They first send me to some intern in the hospital who I think has no idea about the right diagnosis. I told him that I have consulted with the doctor in my home country over the phone and the doctor said it’s some kind of infection. so asked Him to give some antibiotics. He performed every test using all machines in his department and yet confused about the situation. Those tests costed a lot. Then he consulted his superior who finally gave antibiotics. Then after some days I got back that infection and I asked over phone to this hospital if I could see this orthopedic doctor again and they said yes but when I went there they said orthopedic doctor can’t do anything if that infection is not healed. I asked them to prescribe antibiotics for 1 more week because it was paining but they refused. I must say Japanese doctors are worst!!! They should practice more and learn more.

  • A. D.

    A. D.


    Unfortunately, out of all the hospitals in the area, this may be your best bet. It does get very crowded, and sometimes you end up spending half to and entire day waiting for your appointment. Some of the doctors do not explain details well and will often tell you "I don't know why" and leave you feeling without confidence in their choices regarding your health. Those in charge of imaging (specifically the X-Ray side) usually lack empathy or concern for your pain until they witness it making you suffer. Nurses can be heard gossiping and are usually too busy to clean outpatient areas. I've heard an old woman request a blanket and be met with "This one is dirty, but is it ok?" Inpatient services are pretty good, but I don't have much of a comparison. In shared rooms, when a patient leaves, they sanitize the floor and switch beds. I'm not sure about if they clean the walls or wipe down other items in the room. The toilets and shared showers need much more attention. Nurses are great and always try their best to take notes about anything you're worried about and stay on a schedule. Your doctor, however, will end up MIA and screwing up the nurses' schedules. Feels like the area for getting info before you are and inpatient should be in a different location and that there needs to be windows open or something for airflow on the first floor. It is a hospital that is extremely a pain to get out to, especially if you don't drive or have an injury.

  • lordoflys



    Clean, efficient and friendly. Best to go with a native speaker as English is not spoken by everyone. I've had nothing but great care there.

  • Nicole Tooth

    Nicole Tooth


    The staff were all fantastic during my fathers recent 3 week stay whilst on holidays. Although there is a significant language barrier all staff were extremely patient during conversations, observations and caring.

  • Thomas Biegel

    Thomas Biegel


    My mother needed surgery after an accident. She doesn't speak Japanese, but the staff was very friendly and helpful. It's a very new hospital and very clean.

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