Numata Shoten Mengumi i Iwanuma

JapanNumata Shoten Mengumi



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Japan, 〒989-2443 Miyagi, Iwanuma, Inarichō, 1−1 竹駒神社内
kontakter telefon: +81 223-23-6268
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Latitude: 38.1043045, Longitude: 140.8636529

kommentar 5

  • ナーシャ



    I arrived 10 minutes before opening on Sunday and was 6th in line. You take a number card in front of the store and line up about 5 minutes before opening to check the number of people. The inside of the store is like a rented room, and it takes 30 minutes from the time you buy and hand in your meal ticket to the time your ramen is served! ! This is the first time I've had to wait so long at a ramen restaurant. The vegetables had a really sweet taste, but it just felt like regular miso ramen, so it wasn't worth the 30 minute wait. The chashu rice bowl seemed to be popular and many people ordered it.

  • 遠田秀和



    Ramen shop on the grounds of the shrine It seems to be a pretty popular restaurant, so there's a long wait during lunch hours. (I waited 60 minutes after 10 groups) Seafood ramen with dried sardines in soy sauce? is strong, but salt is not that strong. The noodles are thin straight noodles. It seems like two people are doing the cooking, but I think it takes too much time for a ramen restaurant.

  • Geric Plankton

    Geric Plankton


    [Traces of Memories] Eating the representative Miyagi ramen. How long will the days continue without fulfilling our fundamental human needs? There was a chain of appointments that made it impossible to even enjoy lunch that day. However, it was canceled at short notice and we moved on to the next location. At that moment, all that went through my mind was a plea for a pleasure that was familiar but out of reach: ``Let's have a proper lunch.'' Even after 3pm, the store remains crowded. As we lined up in the spacious restaurant and were led to the spacious counter, I thought about the joy of being able to enjoy a decent lunch. A large vessel appeared. Straight noodles lay supple in the clear, bronze-colored soup. Although it wasn't very strong, a surprisingly distinct soy sauce taste rushed from my mouth into my body. The firm and chewy noodles also harmonized well with the soup. “Is it a reset? Or is it a charge? ” As I continued to eat in silence, I began to feel that I was able to enjoy an elaborate meal. The reaction to eating with one hand reminded me not to forget the small pleasures in life. Satisfying the dual standards of fullness and satisfaction that are unlikely to be achieved through everyday lunches, we moved on to the next location under a blue sky that hinted at spring...

  • Phil Smy

    Phil Smy


    Tasty but a shocking amount of oil in the miso ramen. I mean, when you filled a spoon with soup the top half was clear from the oil. Because of that, the soup couldn’t really be drunk (my arteries said ‘no’). Soya sauce ramen was nice. Nothing special.

  • 正徳熊田




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