Gyoza no Ohsho i Sendai

JapanGyoza no Ohsho



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Ushirogawara-37-4 Nakadamachi, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-1103, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-397-9931
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.1927937, Longitude: 140.8917026

kommentar 5

  • 勝美



    When I entered the entrance, there was a sign that said, ``Please wait in a chair as the staff will guide you.'' So I waited. Even though there are many empty seats, it is difficult to get a seat. I couldn't even hear the voice saying, "Welcome." The kitchen seems to be ignoring it. After a while, another customer came in and was shown to a seat first at the entrance. What is this store? How is employee training going? I didn't feel like eating delicious food, so I left the restaurant.

  • 金運激上 きんうんげきじょう

    金運激上 きんうんげきじょう


    Stable gyoza, fried rice, and ramen! I went again Saturday 18:30 Extremely crowded, 30 minute wait Chuhai Lemon is cheap, so the quantity is small. Levanilla has no odor and the vegetables are just right. Mapo tofu is a little thin Osho ramen has a light backfat and a gentle soup. fried rice is very delicious I couldn't order the garlic gyoza because it was sold out, so I ordered normal gyoza, but it lacked impact.

  • カエラ中島



    I went on a weekday around 2pm. I was shown to my seat, and the gyoza sauce, vinegar, and chili oil were brought out from the refrigerator and set for me. There was plenty of seating, and the gyoza were well-grilled, and the staff were pleasant and I ate slowly.

  • ダビジィー



    I ordered a large bowl of champon dumplings during a busy lunch. I like the champon here, and the gyoza is delicious even when it's cold. The kitchen was a little less ambitious than usual because it was too busy, but thanks to Mr. S. Fuji who guided us around the store and took care of the bill, we were able to enjoy a delicious and pleasant meal. Other customers also smiled a lot. Great as a sign! Please take care of it!

  • Davide Bitti

    Davide Bitti


    Cheap prices, nice chinese cousine and very good Gyoza! A must!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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