Nomura Store Kumano in Kumano

JapanNomura Store Kumano



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8-chōme-10-23 Hagiwara, Kumano, Aki District, Hiroshima 731-4213, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-855-6886
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3471862, Longitude: 132.5908561

kommentare 5

  • 栄次山根



    Meat, fresh fish, sushi, etc. are cheap and fresh, and the prices are low.There are many kinds of side dishes and the prices are low, but they change daily, so you may not find the side dish you want.

  • あーの



    The side dishes are very delicious. Since there is no sesame in the bento rice, there are many foods that people with sesame allergies can eat ☺️ The happiness of being able to choose 🥰 thank you.

  • rio syoko

    rio syoko


    I've been to the store in Higashi Ward, and the Kumano store is larger, so I was curious about it, so I stopped by on New Year's Day and it was closed, so I decided to visit today. There is also Fujisan nearby, but Nomura had a more reasonable price.

  • hey juliana

    hey juliana


    Nomura Store 2nd I participated in the Nomura Store Umaki store the other day, so I came here. There are a lot of vegetables and unusual parts of meat. We also carry Seijo Ishii products. This fruit sandwich didn't have bread ears and had a nice texture. I thought the side dishes were normal••• Was it too late to come to the store around 10 o'clock on a Saturday? Maybe the good one was sold out? There wasn't any weird pop music like the Maki store. Personally, I hope for a pop like Maki store.

  • Motoki Fukushima

    Motoki Fukushima


    This is a supermarket chain store with only 3 stores in the suburbs of Hiroshima, and is a very local supermarket. However, I can feel that they are incorporating the know-how of the latest trendy supermarkets, such as selling Seijo Ishii products and holding Costco fairs several times a month, which raises my expectations. This is a characteristic characteristic of supermarkets where you can find slightly better products such as Hok and Marui when you live in the San'in area. Of course, Fuji Shokuhinkan, YOURS, and every are good mid-sized stores in Hiroshima. In the fruit corner, I saw Banpeiyu from Hiroshima, so I couldn't help but buy it. Even though citrus fruits are cultivated here, I didn't expect to find Banpeiyu, a specialty of Kumamoto, on sale... 😺It was small and affordable, and the price was low. Of course, they also sell larger sizes. I ate it delicious at home and enjoyed the scent by bathing the skin with banpeiyu 😌♨️. In the fish corner, they took the time to remove the bones to make it easier to prepare, and even fish that you wouldn't normally do, such as removing the bones from hairtail, were treated. In addition, I saw many ideas to save time on cooking, and I felt that efforts were made to make it easy for even modern households to avoid eating fish.

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