港すし 古町本店 en Niigata

Japón港すし 古町本店



🕗 horarios

9 Banchō-1454 Furumachidōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-222-3710
sitio web: 3710-sushi.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9250165, Longitude: 139.0460798

comentarios 5

  • sake fish

    sake fish


    Work in Niigata at the end of the year Niigata seems to have a culture of eating sushi on New Year's Eve. I took the opportunity to take a trip from the city to Furumachi after work. I went to 3 restaurants, but every place was full. I arrived at a place that looked like it had a nice atmosphere from the outside, but it was hard to tell at first glance. I decided to enter the store Yes, it has a counter atmosphere and it feels like there are only regulars, so it's high class 😅 Luckily, the end of the counter was open, so I was seated and ordered the omakase nigiri. Cold flat eye Nanban shrimp lean meat Fishing horse mackerel squid kiss Bai shellfish Toro Sea cod with kelp cold yellowtail sea ​​urchin conger eel Everything is good Good story too Good work too rice is delicious Sake is also delicious The taste and atmosphere were worth the price.

  • nekokage猫影



    I used it on Saturday afternoon for a memorial service gathering. I reserved the number of people, time, and course online in advance. We made a reservation for 11:45 and arrived a little early, but several groups of customers were already eating at the counter on the first floor. We were shown to a private room on the second floor, and soon the number of people had arrived, so we ordered drinks, but it took a while for them to be served with the meal. Even though I had made a reservation in advance, I felt... because the next dish was not served until a while after everyone had finished eating, and there was always something on the table. It was because I felt lonely because there were so many empty containers lined up 😅 Even though the food was delicious and the quantity was reasonable, I still felt unfulfilled, so on the way home, my family and I stopped at a ramen shop and had some ramen.

  • 44 G

    44 G


    A sushi restaurant where U can enjoy fresh seafood from Niigata. Seven types of sushi are offered as a lunch course, and prices vary depending on the toppings. Although the difference is about 1,500 yen, the more expensive course is more satisfying. The seasoning of sushi rice is wonderful, so all the ingredients are delicious, but the boiled conger eel, grouper, salmon roe, Nanban shrimp, and horse mackerel are especially delicious. ! The volume is rather small, so your biggest problem will be having to resist adding more.

  • Jay Hoeffer

    Jay Hoeffer


    Simply amazing! Let the the Taisho (chef) pick your fish. Ours was friendly and because it was fairly slow, spent some time to show me which fish we were eating in a book. Order the Hakkaisan sake. You will not regret it.

  • Ross Schlaikjer

    Ross Schlaikjer


    Cozy establishment with excellent sushi. Quite reasonably priced for the quality.

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