New Shimbashi Building Post Office w Minato City

JaponiaNew Shimbashi Building Post Office



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Japan, 〒105-0004 Tokyo, Minato City, Shinbashi, 2-chōme−16−1 ニュー新橋ビル 地下2階
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3592-1145
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6662818, Longitude: 139.7573815

komentarze 5

  • Vera



    Very convenient to ship items home to the USA from the post office. They give you an iPad and you fill out all the forms in English. They sell boxes and provided tape if you need to pack your package. Located on B2. Once you enter the plaza building, take the elevator to basement level 2.

  • 松本ラン



    It's located on the second basement floor of the New Shinbashi Building in front of Shinbashi Station, but the location is a little difficult to find. Although it was a weekday evening, the ATM machine was readily available and convenient.

  • 太田英樹



    [Post office in New Shinbashi Building] Second visit in February 2024. It is located in the center of the second basement floor of the “New Shinbashi Building”. *In front of the “New Shinbashi Building Management Association Secretariat”. When you go down the stairs, you wonder, ``Is there really a post office in this place?'' When you open the door and go through it, there really is one lol Once inside, there is an ATM, and of course there is also a counter, and the operations are the same as a regular post office. On the information boards on the ceilings of the first floor and the first basement floor, there are signs that say there is a post office on the second basement floor, so I guess everyone gets confused or doubts that there is a post office lol




    [Visited on June 17, 2022] I was wandering around the New Shinbashi Building. I found it by chance. I didn't think it was behind the heavy door, but it was there lol I think I'll go next time when I'm free.

  • Tetsufumi Terashima

    Tetsufumi Terashima


    New Shinbashi Pill, 2nd basement floor. Easy access via elevator. Convenient location in front of Shinbashi Station.

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