Shinbashi Post Office w Minato City

JaponiaShinbashi Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-6-9 Shinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3571-7442
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6671753, Longitude: 139.7612822

komentarze 5

  • 和子本田



    They were very kind to me. I received an amulet at Karasumori Shrine and sent it via Letter Pack. I wanted some writing paper, but they didn't sell it, so I was thinking of buying some memo paper, but I received a piece of writing paper and asked if I could use it. Thank you very much♪ They were very kind when they delivered it. I was sure that my father's illness would get better.

  • だんどり



    A post office located right next to the main pillar (monument) of the Shinbashi ruins. The first floor is the post office. The second floor is the savings counter. I think it's convenient because it's empty. What I'm curious about, not the postal service, is the old sign on the outside of the building. *Please take garbage such as cigarette butts and empty cans home and dispose of them. The morals of the Japanese people are being questioned. Let's act without shame. * It must be hard to clean in the morning...

  • n s

    n s


    The young man's attitude is too bad. I can't hear your voice, and I keep my head down and don't say hello. The sound of the cash register button being pressed is also very scary, probably due to irritation. It's close to my workplace and I occasionally get asked to send mail, so it's depressing to go there. The other elderly people were all kind, smiling, and nice people. Is that the only person in charge of mailing? I don't want to go there all the time.

  • charlie w

    charlie w


    Supportive and friendly professional staff. Staff suggested most cost effective services. Superb.

  • Ismo Reunamäki

    Ismo Reunamäki


    The ATM at second floor worked for Finnish VISA electron, maybe it works for your card also😊

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