Nakamura Tokichi - Kyoto Station w Kyoto

JaponiaNakamura Tokichi - Kyoto Station



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Japan, 〒600-8215 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Higashishiokōjichō, ジェイアール京都伊勢丹 レストラン街 JR西口改札前イートパラダイス3F
kontakt telefon: +81 75-352-1111
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.985124, Longitude: 135.7580051

komentarze 5

  • Huyen Nguyen

    Huyen Nguyen


    The best matcha soba! We were blown away by the light, fresh and delicious taste of the cold soba with tofu curd. It was definitely a testament to the saying “Simple is the best”. The soup soba with chicken was on a seasonal menu, which was so so. Glad we went to this Nakamura Tokichi branch in Kyoto Station. The queue was only 15-20 minutes (we were there at 1.30pm). The previous day we were at Nakamura Uji branch; we were too tired and gave up the queue after 2.5 hrs of waiting. Without a doubt, the matcha soba made our second attempt completely worth it!

  • Tin Tin Dinh

    Tin Tin Dinh


    Conveniently located right inside Kyoto Station’s 2nd floor, it’s very full on the weekends and more accessible during the weekdays when I visited. The cream and tea jellybeans were good, however, I can get similar offerings in Kyoto outside the station. Good ice cream.

  • Lovelyn Ang

    Lovelyn Ang


    The cafe is located on the top floor of Kyoto station. They serve tea that I like the taste and aroma. We went in groups of 4 people and we were required to order a minimum of 4 servings. One of us doesn't eat sweets (due to age and health) but they still insisted if we didn't order we wouldn't be allowed to stay. We sat at a table with four chairs, I think the rules are too strict. Our mood is no longer pleasant so we decided to split up and only two people stayed to try the dessert on the other side we also still sitting at the table with four chairs (so our two chairs still empty) I can't get their point I know the conditions at that time were crowded but there was no queue I can understand if your shop is very busy, there is a queue and you require a minimum order for us. On the other side i also know that many restaurants in Japan have rules like that. but I think you have to be flexible depending on the conditions The way they presents the dessert was attractively. I didn’t say the taste is bad but usually not according to expectation. Just ok, stardart taste

  • SKM



    The cafe located at top floor of Kyoto station, it wasn’t easy to find d it and not sign posted very well. Matcha dessert was ok, but nothing wow. Service was great. Overall it was ok but not special.

  • Kin Cheung

    Kin Cheung


    Loved the tea they serve the moment you sit down. Their savory food isn’t my favorite but the atmosphere, drinks, desserts and service are excellent.

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