Honke Nishio Yatsuhashi Hachijo Gate Store w Kyoto

JaponiaHonke Nishio Yatsuhashi Hachijo Gate Store



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Japan, 〒600-8215 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Higashishiokōji Takakurachō, 8−3 JR東海新幹線京都駅1F
kontakt telefon: +81 75-662-2788
strona internetowej: www.8284.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9845108, Longitude: 135.7584748

komentarze 5

  • ちゃんドラ



    The matcha parfait was very delicious. The cash register for food and beverages and the cash register for souvenir sales are the same, and both are handled by one clerk, and there are multiple clerks, so apart from the cash register, it is reasonable and customers do not have to wait at the register. I felt like it might be over.

  • Rider Bolt

    Rider Bolt


    I had herring soba and premium malts. The herring soba was very delicious with sweetly seasoned herring and a crunchy texture, and the soup stock had a gentle flavor that was typical of Kansai!

  • Z8 Z8

    Z8 Z8


    If you have any questions, feel free to ask 😊 I will reply politely 😊 Speaking of Kyoto's Yatsuhashi, there is always a dispute over which one is the oldest. Honke Nishio Yatsuhashi is probably the company that provides the most stable and gentlemanly service. We have been familiar with this taste since the early Showa era. Whether it's a souvenir, a handout, or something for yourself, you can't go wrong. The difference in taste varies between strawberry and milk flavors. For matcha, Nikki, and grains, I think this pink bag by Mr. Nishio and the Nishio mark. All Yatsuhashi shops are lined up at public souvenir shops, and you can only buy it at a specialty store, but if there isn't much of a difference after tasting it, I'd choose Nishio-san because it's reliable.

  • P Parndejpong

    P Parndejpong


    I asked for an extra bag in Japanese: もう一つふくろお願いしますbut this lady started talking at me really fast in Japanese, and then she and a younger male shop staff started laughing as I was leaving the store. I had to go back and ask again in English and she finally gave it to me. I love shopping in Japan but never had a terrible experience like this.

  • Lauren Heineck

    Lauren Heineck


    This is a popular sweets outlet carrying a Kyoto rice flour specialty in the shape of a triangle called "yatsuhashi." They also have a cafe space in the back for green tea confections and other seasonal ice cream parfaits, smoothies, and beverages. Many foreigners likely have the bias that train station food should be avoided, but we found this to be delicious and full of patrons (domestic travelers and locals).

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