Naha Municipal Hospital in Naha

JapanNaha Municipal Hospital



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒902-0061 Okinawa, Naha, Furujima, 2-chōme−31−1
kontakte telefon: +81 98-884-5111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.2266846, Longitude: 127.709882

kommentare 5

  • 小西ニノマエ イト

    小西ニノマエ イト


    Hospitalized in a private room. I can see outside and see the rails, which is relaxing. The doctors and nurses will treat you with care. Due to the limited number of rooms, you will be kicked out, so you will not be able to relax after the surgery.

  • Tiffany M

    Tiffany M


    Everyone is really nice. If it’s your first time, make sure you keep the parking ticket with you so that it can be validated at the counter (cashier), and you’ll be able to leave the parking garage lol Long wait times even with appointments but it’s not too too bad. Pharmacy is a bit of a wait but that isn’t abnormal. There’s a family mart inside so that’s a plus.

  • Rachelle New

    Rachelle New


    Waiting 3-4 hours 😭😭😭

  • soumen jana

    soumen jana


    Waiting time can be tremendously long. When we went there, there were few people but we have to wait for ~2h or more just because staffs were very lazy and reluctant. They were too happy about gossiping. Service is really bad. The same problem in another clinic in chatan took literally 5min 25sec. I can’t give more than 1 star.

  • ร้านโช่ห่วยมินิมาร์ท จรัญ65 ป้าสุนันท์

    ร้านโช่ห่วยมินิมาร์ท จรัญ65 ป้าสุนันท์


    Thank you for team service of Naha City hospital. We have such a great appreciate of Doctor

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