Itokazu Hospital in Naha

JapanItokazu Hospital



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Japan, 〒900-0012 Okinawa, Naha, Tomari, 1-chōme−28−1
kontakte telefon: +81 98-894-3165
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.2216363, Longitude: 127.6908305

kommentare 5

  • まろにー



    It was my first birth and my wife and I took great care of each other. I felt sad that my wife had to be hospitalized earlier than originally expected for the sake of her mother's safety, but when I thought about the mental and physical care of my mother, I was glad that I had followed the doctor's decision. The facilities include elevators, wide aisles, and free drinks on the 4th floor to ensure that mothers and children are not burdened. I felt very relieved because the nurses were caring, strict, and responsible. At first, my wife was admitted to the hospital in a shared room, and as she was about to give birth, she chose to be hospitalized in a comfortable private room, but she was quite satisfied with it as it was easier to visit her and raise her child after giving birth. Because we were giving birth to twins, we had to have a caesarean section, but the incision was made horizontally and the stitches were sutured so that even after two weeks, my wife's scars were still invisible. The couple was able to have a dinner together the day before their final day leaving the hospital with their children, but since both husband and wife are expected to face wear and tear and conflicts due to raising children, we wanted to have a wonderful time together at the end. I was very grateful to be able to do this! The things I felt to be careful about when attending meetings and meetings are: ① Prepare a mask for use in the hospital in advance ② In the parking lot, park facing forward in consideration of neighboring residences. ③Use the intercom at the entrance to request a meeting, then take the stairs or elevator directly to the 2nd floor. If you write your name and car number on the paper on the right hand side, the nurse waiting will give you a name tag for visitors. The two things I was concerned about were that I didn't understand the rules for visiting and being present at first, so I wanted a sign at the entrance, and that the chair in the private shower room seemed to be slippery, so I would appreciate it if you could improve it.☺️ It was a wonderful maternity hospital that gave me excitement and satisfaction! !

  • Ashok Raya

    Ashok Raya


    My wife delivered my second baby boy by cs dr itokazu isa is her doctor from beginning to cs she constantly check up with him he is very kind and humble doctor nurses are also kind and good but expect 2 nurse she don’t like their attitude but she like onami tamaki she like her very much she is very helpful kind and humble . I recommend this hospital for foreigners like me .

  • Sarita Bomjan

    Sarita Bomjan


    At this hospital I give birth to baby during my pregnancy I had best service doctors and nurses are very kind and always ready to help they are best

  • レ


    Best ladies clinic I have had in Japan. Doctors and staff so helpful. They didn’t speak much English but had a translation device to help with the difficult stuff.

  • Duy Pham

    Duy Pham


    最悪です。 (Translated by Google) Star even I do not want to put. Is director worst. Review good sense do not know. It is the first time I've been Anna words in obstetrics and gynecology.

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