Muratatei Wakazono Honten i Kitakyushu

JapanMuratatei Wakazono Honten



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1-chōme-9-21 Ninatawakazono, Kokuraminami Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0814, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-961-8792
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8420096, Longitude: 130.8920876

kommentar 5

  • 英国ちんち



    The taste is good. However, the amount of soup was so small that it was impossible to substitute it. This is probably a corporate effort due to the recent rise in ingredient prices, but it would be nice to have options such as adding soup for an additional fee. The atmosphere between the staff is bad.

  • hiro k

    hiro k


    Among the many main branches of Kitakyushu ramen shops, I visited Muratatei. The soup is a mellow pork bone soup that is so delicious that it melts in your mouth. The noodles are extra thin with a chewy texture, and extra noodles are a must. Kitakyushu Ramen is a ramen that you will never get tired of and you will want to eat it again👍

  • 1960じぇーん



    I had never been to Muratatei before. I'm sure it's the main store (lol) The menu is simple and easy to understand. Ramen, chashu noodles, rice, gyoza, and some extra green onions. For the first time, I ordered a large bowl of ramen and rice using a ticket machine. 800+200 is exactly 1000 yen. It was 1pm on a Friday, so it was empty, but I was a little surprised that it filled up quickly. What surprised me was the speed of delivery. Ramen was served while I was preparing water for two people (lol) It was a bummer though. So it seems like the rotation is fast. That's probably why the soup was a little lukewarm. I have quite a cat tongue, but it was okay (lol) The person I went with ordered a substitute. It's the type where you give out a bowl. I'll probably repeat it (lol)

  • 1low



    I went there because I heard from a local that the main store was delicious. It's definitely delicious, but this one is especially delicious. There was no such thing. For better or worse, it's a common taste. I felt that the amount of noodles was small. The soup also felt quite small in quantity. It's good to be able to eat mustard greens freely.

  • Tomohiro Nakashima

    Tomohiro Nakashima


    It is my favorite pork bone broth ramen.

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