Mugen w Niigata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2151-2 Sone, Nishikan Ward, Niigata, 959-0422, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 256-88-7289
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 37.7925806, Longitude: 138.9232011

komentarze 5

  • H ym

    H ym


    I ordered a large bowl of Mugen Ramen. It was the perfect amount to share with older children. The soup was a little salty, but it was delicious with the chewy noodles. It seems like there is also split soup! There are also 4 raised seats. There was a small chair for children that could seat one person. I would like to go out to eat there again in the future, so I would like to be able to pay electronically.

  • RECK



    To Mugen, who I have been interested in for a while. It was after 2pm so it was empty. I'm a little disappointed that the free meal ended. The store staff are also lively with their cheerful greetings. I chose a large bowl of Mugen ramen from the menu, and the bowl that arrived was very large and seemed to have a lot of volume.The soup was salty but rich and delicious.The noodles were also thick and chewy.Even though it was a large serving, the noodles ran out in no time. I did. I wish it had a little more volume! The flavored eggs were melty and delicious.

  • ćØ悂恄恔



    In addition to their signature Mugen Ramen, this restaurant offers a wide variety of ramen, including Kitakata Ramen and Chinese Soba. Regardless of the type of ramen, the well-prepared soup mixes well with the chewy, medium-thick curly noodles for a consistently delicious taste! I love these chewy noodles, they are so delicious!

  • ć¾ć•ć¾ć•



    I ordered mugen chashu noodles and gyoza. The soy sauce flavor with backfat went well with the thick noodles and it was delicious. The chashu was soft to my liking. The gyoza was large, and when I first took a bite, I couldn't tell if it was the skin or something that had stained the iron plate, but I felt a slight odor. I would appreciate it if you could use something other than cash for accounting.

  • Banuka Gunarathna

    Banuka Gunarathna


    Ramen is delicious. Recommended

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