MUFG Bank, Roppongi branch en Minato City

JapónMUFG Bank, Roppongi branch



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-9-7 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-018-016
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6634865, Longitude: 139.7323179

comentarios 5

  • Jorge p

    Jorge p


    What kind of bank doesn’t allow you transfer more than 100,000¥? Useless staff and stupid rules.

  • Ping Yan

    Ping Yan


    Hard to miss, provides quality service.

  • Filip



    Japans most racist bank. Twice I went here to attempt to open an account after being told in Azabujuban in perfect English “no one here speaks English”. Twice I was refused an account. The reason? I quote: “our bank does not like foreign customers, they cause problems”. Japan, a g7 nation and the largest bank in the 21st century ladies and gentlemen.

  • Oreste Goldman

    Oreste Goldman


    You go to the largest bank in Japan... you go to the Roppongi branch one of the most "international" neighbourhoods... and guess what? No one speak English. They asked me to bring someone who can speak Japanese. I hired someone and come back a few days after. When we got there they told me that should be a relative. Finally they accept to receive us. They don't know what are they doing. I couldn't open a personal account. They rejected my application. I have all the papers needed! They refused to explain why. Another example of discrimination in this beautiful country. They treat non Japanese residents like animals! DON'T GO THERE!

  • Carbo Kuo (BYVoid)

    Carbo Kuo (BYVoid)


    Traditional Japanese styled bank with acceptable service. No English-speaking staff even though there are many foreign companies around this region.

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