Bank of China Tokyo Branch en Minato City

JapónBank of China Tokyo Branch



🕗 horarios

Bank of China Bldg., 3-chōme-4-1 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3505-8818
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6743454, Longitude: 139.7382325

comentarios 5

  • caser caser

    caser caser


    the phone number can never be dialed in

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    Good service.




    really horrific service

  • Wing-Ching Poon

    Wing-Ching Poon


    I called into the bank to ask to create a HKD Bank Account. The person I spoke to said it was possible and gave me a list of things to bring including my HK ID. When I got to the bank and asked to create a bank account, they told me it was not possible to create an HKD bank account and that this Branch only deals with local banking in Tokyo. I asked about checking on my old bank account I had with them a while back and they said they are not able to do that as well. While they were very civil, I'm not sure how helpful they are. It seems they are hardly willing to help and it was a big waste of time getting my documents together and not being able to open an an account. I would of appreciated that it wasn't possible if they just told me that in the first place. I do not recommend dealing with Bank of China as their service doesn't seem helpful at all.

  • Rwr Maulana Muhammad

    Rwr Maulana Muhammad


    Bank Of China in Tokyo Japan

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