MUFG Bank, Higashi w Nagoya

JaponiaMUFG Bank, Higashi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒461-0025 Aichi, Nagoya, Higashi Ward, Tokugawa, 1-chōme−15−30 名古屋リザンビル
kontakt telefon: +81 570-018-016
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.180288, Longitude: 136.9227756

komentarze 5

  • 鶏ももはつ実



    Counters are becoming less and less integrated. I usually get by with online banking or ATMs, but sometimes it's very inconvenient when I have to go to a counter. This branch itself has a lot of parking, and there are many counters and people who act like concierges. (But there are many customers) Parking is on the east side of the building. This is not a coin park, but a dedicated parking lot for UFJ customers and company cars. If that parking lot is full, you can also park at the Coinpa (Deafus parking lot) on the north side of the building.

  • はやぶさ寝台特急



    It's far away, there's no transportation, and I can't go! It's so inconvenient, there's nothing I can do about it! . It's the worst!!. 😡❗.

  • NGE No.1

    NGE No.1


    Branches near you are closing down more and more. It's also difficult to go to the East branch. Should I change my main bank? I felt that the store staff's explanations were very nice.

  • おつかれさま



    Since the counters are disappearing rapidly, I stop by when I can, but this was my first time using this branch. There were 8 groups waiting at the reception in the afternoon on weekdays. You will be called, register at the counter, and while the procedure is being processed, you will be given a red number tag and will be kept on standby. The main procedure itself was completed relatively quickly, but the online procedure seems to be incomplete, so if you have time, why not go through it? He suggested. Even though it was busy, they gave me detailed instructions without rushing me, and I was very satisfied with the ease of use. I was impressed that they not only looked at the business, but also carefully checked the customer's situation. thank you very much.

  • たらいまわし



    There are plenty of parking lots and it's very convenient. Using an ATM takes less than 15 minutes, so you don't have to get your parking ticket approved at the reception desk, which is convenient. I visited this store around 10am, and it was very busy. It's popular, isn't it?

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