MUFG Bank Fukuoka Chuo w Fukuoka

JaponiaMUFG Bank Fukuoka Chuo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-12-7 Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-018-016
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5916269, Longitude: 130.3991768

komentarze 5

  • 1600 yuyu.

    1600 yuyu.


    I need to change my name, and there is no Mitsubishi UFJ Bank branch nearby, but due to the terms of my contract, I can't do it through the app. I drove 2 hours to the store. Therefore, I called in advance one week in advance to confirm that I didn't have to take my belongings or make an appointment. I was told, ``You can enter on the day, so no reservations are necessary. All you need is your current seal.'' When I went there on the day, there was an information board at the reception desk and I had to wait for 90 minutes. Why didn't you make a reservation on the previous phone? As I was waiting at the reception desk thinking this, the receptionist made a mysterious comment, "Don't you have a reservation? Hmm..." Then, when his belongings were checked and the topic of seals came up, he said, ``Don't you have a seal with your new name? Hmm...'' and let out a mysterious hmm. I checked in advance and said I would come and buy it if I needed it. “Ah…” I let out an unexpected sigh. Without saying anything, please fill in the information here and proceed. When I told them that they didn't want me to tell them if they could do it or not, they said, ``I can't make that decision.'' I told her that I would be in trouble if she didn't tell me clearly what to do. I said, ``I'll check to see if I can handle it or not.'' At that time, he said, ``Oh, you can sit on the sofa if you like.'' I ended up waiting for over 15 minutes. Were you trying to make me stand and wait...? In the end, they said they could handle it, but they told me I had to wait inside the store, and they told me to wait on the sofa, which hurt my back and neck just sitting there. There is a QR code written on the reception number sheet handed to you that shows the waiting time situation, Initially, there were 3 people waiting for 90 minutes. 70 minutes as two people. 70 minutes alone. There was no point in checking in advance, I ended up spending 2 hours there and waiting another 90 minutes. Moreover, I can hear so much about the private room that I wonder if it's okay to share personal information... Maybe the wait time can't be helped, but it was really frustrating from beginning to end. The level of response from the call center and reception is too low. Why is it such a mega bank?

  • T T (TT)

    T T (TT)


    The receptionist was polite and made me feel at ease. There are many ATMs, so you don't have to wait long.

  • 최재혁



    It's an amazing and amazing bank that refuses to issue accounts to foreigners who aren't good at Japanese. And if you're a foreigner, they keep waiting until you get tired and go back. Haha. I was very kind and received an account at the nearby Sumitomo Bank. Mitsubishi Bank is sad.

  • Muranaka Takumi

    Muranaka Takumi


    When I came to cancel my account, I was told to wait 50 minutes. They made it clear that they didn't want you to cancel the contract, and they didn't even apologize for the inconvenience. worst!

  • sin Ghost

    sin Ghost


    The staff's customer service awareness is poor. I didn't know how to fill out the form, so I asked the staff to follow up. After that, the staff member in charge was away for more than 10 minutes. While I'm writing, I know I'm attending to other customers, but then I forget that I'm following them. Then, we begin to deal with new customers. Another staff member called out to her, urged her to take note, reminded her, and came back, but after that, she did not apologize at all. The eyes don't match at all. I don't want an apology, but I just want them to carry out their duties with more responsibility and sincerity.

najbliższy Bank

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