MUFG Bank Fukuoka Branch w Fukuoka

JaponiaMUFG Bank Fukuoka Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-12-7 Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-018-016
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5916667, Longitude: 130.3991667

komentarze 5

  • David Stanley

    David Stanley


    If you're foreigners, then sorry we can't open a bank account for you, no reason just no 😂 Q : so how can someone open a bank account normally? A : well, in your case we can't Q : so how is it normally done? A : we can't tell you, there's no explanation, just no Q : k bye Another branch in another city said I can open an account, I guess only this branch. Totally waste of time and I guess reviews from years ago were actually true 😂 1 star lol




    Although it is located in the center of Tenjin, it is a very splendid building. There is an ATM on the first floor and a branch above, where you can complete procedures and receive consultations.

  • the explorer

    the explorer


    Bank with the worst customer service ever. either in call or onsite, they have terrible communication with customer. For foreigner, never open your bank account here. Use Jp post bank instead

  • CryptoNekoKi



    It was terrible terrible experience in the fukuoka branch. their service was really poor. I never recommend to use this bank.

  • mosen abulgar

    mosen abulgar


    Clean bank renovated One of the best As I mentioned in other banks they became relatively slower. Security maybe. If you don't use your account it will be Frozen even with a tiny sum. Very polite as all in Japan. Enterance with a mointer display on the floor and an electronic gate you have to touch to leave the bank. More security. An appealing Bank will encourage the customers to trust the bank as a starter. The style of meeting each customer in private in a special booth. The doors open automatically and stays open until the customer finishes his need with the bank teller. It's an interesting way of handling business it wasn't very popular in usual Banks but it was very common in private banking. Making the customer feels important and valuable makes him or her come back again to handle their own wealth to the bank who is capable of managing this wealth. The low interest rate is encouraging people to invest in Nisa or buying stock or even buying foreign currencies. I hope the Japanese economy recovers more and more and I wish for Japanese prosperities. #MUFG Bank #Fukuoka banks #Banking in Japan #Security is important #NISA #Foreign currencies #Bank most valuable asset #mosen #モーセン先生

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