BackStage i Oita




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒870-0021 Oita, Funaimachi, 1-chōme−1−11 アテネビル 3階
kontakter telefon: +81 50-1336-2683
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.2355782, Longitude: 131.6080097

kommentar 5

  • 秋坂本



    fun secret base

  • 3 senshi

    3 senshi


    This is a bar where you can enjoy Okinawan cuisine, which is rare in Oita. The owner is a very friendly and versatile person. Okinawan cuisine includes Rafute, Soki Soba, Taco Rice, etc. There are also many types of awamori available. In addition, a variety of cocktails, beer, non-alcoholic cocktails, and juices are available. There are also other events featuring indie bands. Why not go to this hidden place once?

  • bom ba yashi

    bom ba yashi


    Close distance, close sound

  • 國宗宏敬



    I stopped by with a friend, and the atmosphere was cozy and the snacks and rice made with Okinawan ingredients were delicious. There seems to be a free space in the back where events are held (I didn't do anything today, but it looks like they can play games and videos on a large screen projector and even do small live performances!) They seem to be open for lunch as well, so next time I'll come for lunch (*´∀`)

  • 大分県民ライダー北斗



    It has become indebted to. The owner is also kind.

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