Moranbong Honten w Fuchu

JaponiaMoranbong Honten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒183-0055 Tokyo, Fuchu, Fuchūchō, 1-chōme−7−2 さくら食品館 4F
kontakt telefon: +81 42-365-4121
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6724148, Longitude: 139.4807194

komentarze 5

  • K K

    K K


    I went there to celebrate my birthday. Everything was of high quality and delicious. I don't know the price, but I'm very satisfied because I received the appropriate service.

  • はんぺん



    Used it for the first time in 10 years to celebrate my birthday. I was surprised at how upscale the store was. The staff were also good at explaining things and made me feel comfortable. Of course the food is outstanding! The cold noodles with beef tongue and shime are especially delicious! ! It's just a little disappointing Speaking of Moranbong, Jean! I wanted to taste it. In the past, it was divided into high-end stores and reasonable stores, so I'm looking forward to the revival of reasonable stores. Minus one star. I went with short-sleeved sandals because of the old-fashioned, reasonable feeling (lol)

  • 鑫#イ言θ月



    If I was going to go to a Korean restaurant anyway, I wanted to go to a famous one, so I went to the Moranbong branch of Sauce, which I often see in supermarkets. Just a short walk along the pedestrian deck from the north exit of Fuchu Station. When I took the elevator to the 4th floor, I was greeted by a stylish space typical of a luxury store. There's a nice atmosphere with jazz music playing inside. It was 30 minutes before the order stop, so there was only one other customer. The lunch menu is course dishes only. I ordered Sundubu Jjige Lunch for 1500 yen. First of all, the senchae was just a normal salad. Homemade namul is bean sprouts. After all, I want to eat kimchi around here. Next was the main course, sundubu and rice. It was spicy but had no smell and was delicious. Since it was an order stop, I couldn't get a refill of rice, but it was a good lunch.

  • 期待の若鷹(HAWKS)



    Visited in April 2022 I visited for lunch♪ Exit the north exit of Keio Fuchu Station and take the elevator of the pachinko building on your right to the 4th floor. It seems to be a high-class yakiniku restaurant, with a wine cellar, black and gold interior decoration, and staff uniforms, all of which are more luxurious than I had imagined. You will be guided to a table, and the staff will help you sit by moving a chair. From the menu, I ordered the snow course (3500 yen) and Suntory draft beer 🍺 Master's Dream! Local vegetable salad, Sendai beef top rib, top thigh, sandwich, rice, soup, and dessert ice cream! Judging from the quality of the store and the service, it's a pass 💮 However, if the meat was a high-quality rib, I would have liked to have it with salt and pepper! This was a mistake on my part that I didn't notice when ordering, but I wish the staff would have asked if it was sauce or salt! This is very important for meat lovers. Minus one point! Next time I will try dinner

  • M. Toribio

    M. Toribio


    Excelente Japanese grill in an marvelous atmosphere. The quality of their meats are outstanding and their level of service is over the top. We went with Japanese friends so I highly recommend you to take some Japanese friends or a Japanese translator app as the staff does not speak good English.

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