Momijiginkokaita Shiten i Kaita

JapanMomijiginkokaita Shiten



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4-45 Kubomachi, Kaita, Aki District, Hiroshima 736-0046, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-823-2161
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.371228, Longitude: 132.52865

kommentar 5

  • 松田豊



  • 海田桜



  • みみたぶ



    When answering the phone, there is too much of a judgmental attitude in the voice.

  • toshi koyaku

    toshi koyaku


    Crossing Myojin Bridge from Kaita Taisho intersection Prefectural Route 164 A little further towards Hiroshima, This is the Kaita branch of Momiji Bank, which has been around for a long time. From Hiroshima Sogo Bank Changed to Hiroshima Sogo Bank, Furthermore, the bank name was changed to the current Momiji Bank. There is a Hiroshima Bank Kaita branch across the street. Hiroshima Bank too Getting in and out of the parking lot is a bit difficult, but This is Momiji Bank. It is very difficult to use the parking lot. Buildings are being built along the prefectural road. Crawl through an opening the size of a car in a building. Enter the parking lot at the back of the store. There is a lot of traffic on prefectural roads, so Especially when turning right from Kure direction. Entry is extremely dangerous and difficult. When a car leaves the parking lot, It's only wide enough for one car. Because we can't pass each other, A car about to exit the prefectural road I have to wait until after I leave. Vehicles that turn left are also not allowed to enter. If you have a large car or are not good at driving, If you use Momiji Bank I think it would be better to use another branch. I previously opened an account at this branch. My mother also worked at Hiroshima Sogo Bank. Regarding salary transfer in Hiroshima city I had opened an account at another branch. When my mother died, Its branch in Hiroshima city was closed. I only had a few hundred yen left in my bank account, but after my mother died At Kaita branch I completed the procedure to cancel my mother's account. Branches that are already closed Although it may have been an account that was opened, Until account cancellation is completed I visited the Kaita branch five or six times. less than 1,000 yen To cancel an account with only a balance, Resident record and family register You will be asked to submit a seal certificate, for account cancellation It took a lot of money and time.




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