Hiroshima Bank Kumano i Kumano

JapanHiroshima Bank Kumano



🕗 åbningstider

9-chōme-9-3 Dekiniwa, Kumano, Aki District, Hiroshima 731-4221, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-854-5151
internet side: www.hirogin.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.332939, Longitude: 132.569269

kommentar 5

  • せんちゃんまさくん



    Parking is easily available.

  • jinbe lala

    jinbe lala


    The roads around the parking lot and the bank are almost one-way, so it would be helpful if you could put up a → or a sign in the larger parking lot so you don't have to separate on the narrow road. The staff is courteous over the phone.

  • A



    Once a month, I withdraw my salary and have it exchanged. I know that I can only exchange money with my cash card once a day at the exchange machine, so After using it, you can also ask at the counter. It's stressful to be asked every time if I don't have a cash card. This was quite a while ago, but When I tried to withdraw money using my passbook and seal, Apparently someone had called me in my name to say they had lost their passbook. I was treated as a thief, and all the bank employees gathered around wondering whose passbook I had brought (I was using a harsher word). Isn't it normal to ask someone to show their ID before treating them like a thief? I also had a driver's license to prove my identity. When I displayed my driver's license and said it was me, they didn't even apologize. I was told that it was stopped because I had been contacted. I was told that I couldn't take it down unless I went through the cancellation procedure. When I asked who made the call and what number it was, they couldn't answer. I understand that you have to stop due to a lost phone, but You should verify the identity of the person calling you. You should confirm not only your name but also your phone number, address, date of birth, etc. before stopping. A single phone call from someone I don't know can shut down my account. I think it's outrageous to treat the person himself as a thief. I don't want to give even one star, but I added it because I can't write without it. I felt very bad. I'm sure some of you are wondering why you're still using Hiroshima Bank after all this. After that, I canceled all Hiroshima Bank accounts, including those of my family. The affiliated bank at my current workplace has different branches in the city, but Hiroshima Bank is the only one. Open a Hiroshima Bank account at a branch in the city, We use the nearby Kumano branch.

  • テリトリーノーザン



    From March 2019 Foreign currency → yen, yen → foreign currency handling has ended. Parking is available from the front of the store. Sudden changes in direction are dangerous, so please be careful not to get caught or rear-ended. You can enter by turning left from the direction of Yano. From the Kumano direction, right turns are not allowed due to the curb. There is ample parking space.

  • 今井尚幸



    There is only a left turn from Hiroshima towards Kurose.There is a parking lot for people with disabilities in the back and a general parking lot in the back.I think there is a parking lot for about 20 cars.

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