Modern Times en Kochi

JapónModern Times



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Wistaria 21, 3-chōme-5-10 Kamimachi, Kochi, 780-0901, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 88-824-5085
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.557873, Longitude: 133.522466

comentarios 5

  • 堀ノ内守



    The coffee beans are roasted in the store, and the aroma of roasted coffee wafts outside the store. Recommended for people who really like coffee Sorry I ate a little bit of the morning set. For the morning set, you can choose between toast, sandwich, or hot sandwich, and you can ask if you want cheese or not, and if the coffee is mellow? Is it rich? There are a lot of choices when asked, but I was concerned about the stains on the sheets, and I wish the morning set had a little more volume. and…

  • ダンアリエリー



    It's right next to the train street and right next to the hospital, so it's very easy to stop by. There are many kinds of menu.

  • 岡寿美



    There are many different versions of breakfast and it's delicious.

  • M M

    M M


    There was a hospital next door, so I used it while waiting, etc. The shopkeeper was unfriendly and didn't smile or even say a word to me. On top of that, the prices are quite high, so don't expect much food. The portions are small and the only food available is bread. Also, there was a smoking seat right next to a non-smoking seat, and I felt there was no point in separating it. However, the coffee was delicious, so I think it's good for people who only want to enjoy cigarettes and coffee.

  • みるりん(MIRLIN)



    A coffee shop that roasts its own roasted food. In the past, it was a cafe restaurant with a rich and delicious food menu...

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