Modern Living Kanda i Chiyoda-ku

JapanModern Living Kanda


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2 Chome-6-6 Kanda Tsukasamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 101-0048, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
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Latitude: 35.6939965, Longitude: 139.7678636

kommentar 4

  • Karina Katou

    Karina Katou


    Small rooms and thin walls you can hear everything your neighbor talks about. Shower and toilet not always clean, a small kitchen with a stove for two floors full of people. Positive side, one minute from Awajicho station and seven from Kanda, also is near the shopping street for snowboarding so if you practice this sport there are many places with good prices...

  • en

    Laurin Wagner


    Great housing for foreigners in Japan Easy access to everything.

  • en

    Steve Lavin


    I have stayed at several of this companies properties, there were always very clean, furniture was new or in good condition, and all the things in the kitchen and living room worked fine. They even had free laundry and business center where you can copy, scan and print.

  • Virginia Brassesco

    Virginia Brassesco


    Very good location. Rooms are small but equipment and furniture is very useful. The shared kitchen is always clean. The subway is only 2 blocks away and 6 from train. There are supermarket cheap nearby.

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