Toyoko Inn Nihombashi Mitsukoshimae A4 i Chuo City

JapanToyoko Inn Nihombashi Mitsukoshimae A4


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11-12 Nihonbashikobunachō, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0024, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5641-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.687052, Longitude: 139.7785604

kommentar 5

  • Zoe Nei Nei

    Zoe Nei Nei


    For staying here less than 10 hours, the room is clean and bigger than I expected, the price is so worth.

  • Vincent Nguyen

    Vincent Nguyen


    I stayed here for a week on business and was extremely pleased with the quality of service for the associated price. The staff were very helpful with all my requests including luggage shipping and translations and the breakfast was of good quality every morning. Would stay again.

  • The Smiley Yolk

    The Smiley Yolk


    This place sufficiently covers my needs. I stayed one night and dont need so much so with the price and i even get the free breakfast in the morning, this is very much effective.

  • Dipen Lamichhane

    Dipen Lamichhane


    Reasonable priced hotel with good service & clean. Parking space is close to hotel with minimal overnight charge.

  • YoonSeop Kang

    YoonSeop Kang


    Just as same as other Toyoko-inn branches. Fairly close to subway stations. Nice restaurants are nearby, too.

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