みずほ銀行 神戸支店 i Kobe

Japanみずほ銀行 神戸支店



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-3-1 Sannomiyachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-331-7921
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6915773, Longitude: 135.1947946

kommentar 5

  • みつき



    I canceled my contract because the woman at the counter was unpleasant every time.

  • 高太



    I asked for the procedure at the counter, but no matter what I asked when filling out the documents, I was left with random responses like "Is that so?" or "I just don't understand..." which left me stunned. Ta. What is the meaning of window? ? She was a young woman, and I thought that if she couldn't do her job properly, she should be put at the counter. I was surprised as I had never been treated like this at any other branch.

  • Will Bowen

    Will Bowen


    A very fancy bank, I liked the design and interior. The staff were very helpful when I came here to change my address on my bank account.

  • Yuz Sue

    Yuz Sue


    Despite the coronavirus outbreak, we received a polite response. It's super inconvenient that you have to go all the way to the customer toilet.

  • Kevin O'Shea

    Kevin O'Shea


    Standard bank. Large number of ATMs with English service.

nærmeste Bank

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