Mitsuisumitomoginko Koshien Shiten i Nishinomiya

JapanMitsuisumitomoginko Koshien Shiten



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1-19 Kōshien 7banchō, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8177, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-043-195
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.72268, Longitude: 135.3637

kommentar 5

  • Tiger lilly

    Tiger lilly


    It was just as everyone wrote...the waiting time was amazing. I went there around 1pm and was told that I couldn't open a new account because there wasn't enough time. It's hard to get a reservation on the day you want. . Parking service is no longer available.

  • akito tsuji

    akito tsuji


    What a poor service it is to charge for parking when customers come to the bank! The world's metropolitan banks are now in limbo. Oh, how pathetic. How far will this country fall? ? (2024/02/02)

  • Tatsuya Yabuuchi

    Tatsuya Yabuuchi


    I just moved and opened a new account and started using it (I previously had an account with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, but I canceled it once), but I don't think the staff at this branch are very responsive. Basically, if you go to the store, get a reception number, and then try to complete various procedures, you'll probably have to wait an absurd amount of time (even in the afternoon), so if possible, you should make a reservation online before visiting. However, it is difficult to make reservations because they are usually only available at a specific point a few weeks in advance. Now, even though it can't be helped that I had to wait to open an account on my first visit, I felt it was bad when I visited again to process a bank transfer for my utility bill. First of all, it seems that you cannot make a reservation for the utility bill transfer procedure, so you have to bring all the necessary documents with you. So, when I visited on a weekday morning, perhaps it was just a coincidence, but there was no one at the desk where I handed out my number, so I ended up waiting there for several minutes. I have used other banks as well, but I have never experienced a bank branch that doesn't deal with visitors this much. It may be that they don't have enough staff, but I think it's a good idea to just ask them about the requirements first, give them a serial number, and make them wait inside. What's more, when I finally arrived at the desk, someone else was taking care of me (?) and I didn't interact with the person waiting at all. In this case, there is no point in handing out success/failure numbers at the desk, so I think it would be better to fundamentally change the way you deal with customers. What I also thought was terrible was that when I was given a set of utility bill transfer procedures and filled them out, I was asked, ``Are there too many account numbers?'' and asked to rewrite them. Was it. We also asked the relevant organization about the same thing in advance, and even though that number was fine, we found out that the digit numbers were completely different depending on each local government, such as ``Other users have longer numbers.'' It was a reaction that I didn't think about at all. At that time, I was told to "please resubmit" and was given a transfer form specifically for water supply, but if that was the case, I was told to hand it over from the beginning...(Just to be sure, I contacted the Waterworks Bureau again. After that, I decided that the first number was fine.) I thought that I was able to do my job well because I didn't know what people were thinking about with their time. I have used Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation for other purposes at other branches in the area, but I felt that they had never treated people so disrespectfully, so this place has a special feeling. Also, there was an announcement that the free parking ticket distribution service for nearby parking lots (?) will end from August 2023, but I wonder if it will end across the board. I think it would be better to establish status based on deposit balances, such as those found in online banks, and give preferential treatment to account holders with higher status. Anyway, I think this is a disappointing bank branch that lacks customer perspective.

  • アイアンマン



    Star minus level. As soon as the store opens, more than half of the ATMs have bills under construction! Why hasn't the work been completed before the store opens? No apology as usual. We should think and act more from the customer's perspective.

  • T chipe

    T chipe


    It's always crowded considering it's a large bank. Progress is too slow. I was pregnant and nearing my due date and had to stand in line for an hour outside in the cold. I thought I was finally able to sit down when I was called. An older lady who was standing there looking bored suggested I give her information about the campaign. If you have that much free time, could you please speed up the progress...

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