Milestone en Nagasaki




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Japan, 〒850-0877 Nagasaki, Tsukimachi, 4−13 伊藤ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 95-821-0714
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7456911, Longitude: 129.8767475

comentarios 5

  • Besim Hatinoglu

    Besim Hatinoglu


    Amazing jazz kissa. The owner is a very knowledgeable jazz fan and tailor the playlist according to your interest. Definitely pay a visit when in Nagasaki.

  • 岡本武和



    I found it while walking around town to reach the inn where I would stay after returning from Sadao Watanabe's concert at the civic center! There were some stairs to the third floor, but if you like hiking, it's fine. It was my first time visiting, but the master was friendly and warm, and I had two glasses of bourbon. Visiting a JAZZ cafe for the first time in a while. You shouldn't compare it, but it's unique. I liked it very much.

  • 林涛



    I found this store on the map tonight, drank some delicious plum wine, had a lot of fun chatting with the boss, and listened to great music. I enjoyed listening to music using the equipment in the store. I really like this relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. , spent a very pleasant night, will go again next time I come to Nagasaki!

  • 藤田三徳



    I visited last night with a classmate. This is a shop I admire and was introduced in the book Kyushu Jas Road. The sound of the record played by the kindness of the master JBL was the best. Then, the two regulars and the master performed live music, making it an unexpectedly perfect moment. thank you very much. Since it's in Miyazaki, I don't think I'll be able to go there very often, but it's definitely a restaurant I'd like to revisit someday. I didn't eat it for a meal, so I can't rate it, but I'm sure it's delicious.

  • S Y

    S Y


    It's on the third floor of a building, so it might be a little difficult to enter, but even if you're a woman with no knowledge of music or alcohol, it's perfectly fine. If you want to drink quietly, they will leave you alone, and if you want to chat, the master will greet you in a nice way. It's a wonderful shop where you can feel both a little more grown up and nostalgic at the same time.

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