ほぐしcafe遊庵 en Nagasaki




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒850-0873 Nagasaki, Suwamachi, 7−8 草野ビル 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 95-825-2022
sitio web: www.hogushi-cafe.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7471102, Longitude: 129.8814881

comentarios 5

  • 空山



    It was great to refresh my body and mind! Areas you would like to focus on massage I really thought that she was so popular because she listened to the details and tailored the treatment to each person! I was also surprised to see that there were many types of drinks that I had never seen at other cafes after the treatment🫢 I was a little worried, but the taste was delicious and the double was perfect ✌️

  • ひろしくんハイ



    I went there for the first time today❗️It was a 1.2 quality massage out of all the massages I've ever had.It was great because it exactly relaxed the pressure points I mentioned.

  • 信州Kiss四郎



    This time I traveled to Nagasaki in Kyushu, where the food is delicious. This shop is located on the second floor of a street lined with fashionable shops just outside the arcade.It has a small counter and a relaxing atmosphere that feels like a hideaway. The owner, who is particular about his coffee, performed the treatment with the kind of skill you would expect from a former professional athlete, and I ended up ordering refills two days in a row. If you are interested in Meganebashi, we highly recommend it.

  • SaKu RaKo

    SaKu RaKo


    My feet are so tired that I really want to massage them right away! At that time, I couldn't find anything on the internet, so I just happened to be passing by and decided to make a reservation and plucked up the courage to make a reservation. Even though it was urgent and my next appointment was in 30 minutes, I was grateful that they said I could wait until then. The treatment was very comfortable and I felt very healed. The ginger milk I received after the treatment was also my first time tasting it, but it was very delicious and made me feel relieved. Next time I will make a reservation properly and ask for a longer stay when I have time.

  • Tsuyoshi Hashimoto

    Tsuyoshi Hashimoto


    A comfortable foot massage. There are various courses such as head spa, but since stiffness tends to accumulate below the knees, I always choose the foot massage course. Very comfortable. It's fun to read the various books placed here and there, both during the first footbath and when the ginger sugar and tea are served at the end. There are many books related to mind and body, such as stretching and autonomic nerves. A space where you can spend a relaxing time.

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