麺の坊 晴天 w Miyoshi

Japonia麺の坊 晴天



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒470-0224 Aichi, Miyoshi, Miyoshichō, Haramae, 三好原前11−2
kontakt telefon: +81 561-34-2543
strona internetowej: www.instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0835061, Longitude: 137.0620357

komentarze 5

  • fuuu



    Arrived at 13:50. I was worried because the lunchtime opening hours were until 2:00 pm, but I hurried in after checking the "Open" flag in front of the store. When I entered the restaurant, two female employees asked me in a rather angry tone, ``Isn't it okay if we can't have a leisurely meal?'' His attitude was so bad that at first I couldn't tell if he was saying this to me, a customer. Although I was surprised, I answered, ``I'll just eat my ramen normally instead of slowly, and then I'll leave right away,'' and managed to get in. The attitude of the staff afterwards was so harsh that I couldn't even taste the ramen. They had put away the flags while they were open since we arrived, but if they are refusing to accept last-minute customers, I would like them to put the flags away sooner and to clearly state what time the last order is.

  • まあまあ



    Visited the store for the first time in a year. Tsukemen is the signature menu I like the chicken paitan ramen here. I don't have much of an appetite due to the belly fat from yesterday. I think I can eat something cold Only for this season It looks beautiful though I didn't have the courage to order it. Came here to eat cold noodles. 18:30 3 customers ahead. limited as planned We are selling cold noodles with tomato and prosciutto cheese. Both the previous customers and those coming later Almost everyone is ordering limited edition items. Today the female shopkeeper I'm managing it all by myself, so It looks like it would be difficult to arrange. There are no new stores opening in Harerelya stores either. Although the numbers are decreasing, this store is doing its best. The rice bowl is ready in about 15 minutes. It looks like it's going to be difficult. Like a work of art inspired by flowers I'm excited because it looks great in photos. It's a waste to break it up, but mix it up and take a bite. The noodles are smooth and go down well. Thick and chewy noodles. It looks like cold tomato pasta There is a soup at the bottom that looks like ramen curds. Speaking of Mazesoba, it is Mazesoba. There is also a sour taste of tomatoes At this time of year, I enjoy eating noodles even if I don't have an appetite. There are also many raw hams. A blessing for raw ham lovers. It just looks nice though Basil leaves are fresh when you eat them. The basil sauce goes well with this cold noodles. Such beautiful dishes There are a lot of things that are not good, but Completed the meal in no time. Thank you for the meal.

  • 来世ではちゃんとします



    I went there for the first time and ate the limited edition noodles, so I don't know about the others. The tomato and prosciutto cheese cold noodles were delicious. [Revisit] My friend wanted to try the limited edition soy sauce stew ramen, so I went there. “Irashimase” story I chose the seafood soy sauce from the regular menu. There was a small moth floating in the water I poured myself, so I went to ask for it to be changed, but there was no apology. The ramen is usually delicious (both the ingredients and the soup have a strong flavor), but if you can't serve customers properly, don't stand in front of them and retreat to the back! I feel sick! Also, the herbarium placed on the wall? I don't know how long it's been there, but it was full of white trash. Even though the area was repeatedly flushed with alcohol disinfectant and separated by partitions, it was clear that it was not being cleaned on a daily basis. Why not reconsider your concept of hygiene? This is probably the reason why it's never crowded no matter what time you go. ``Thank you for the meal! '' and when I went outside the store, I heard a voice saying ``Thank you very much'' that sounded like a mosquito chirping. Make your voice louder!

  • S. Y.

    S. Y.


    Not too rich chicken hot water ramen with onions, mitsuba, and surprisingly basil. This fits. The seaweed has been pliable since it was provided, so I don't really feel the need for it. In the kitchen, two women were making small talk. It's better not to have this either. [Revisited in December 2022] I came here because I wanted to eat delicious tsukemen. The hearty and rich soup of bonito really stings. I feel like the plate on which the noodles and toppings are served has become more fashionable. The amount of noodles seems small compared to the plate, but surprisingly it's not, and the complimentary bowl of rice at lunchtime makes it look like zosui and leaves you feeling full and satisfied. Thank you for the meal m(_ _)m

  • Kozue Kato

    Kozue Kato


    The kishimen was super delicious! I would come back again! It's a small place like a lot of Japanese ramen places and sure, it's not a quick place like those standing ramen joints but if you have a few minutes to wait for your order, check it out.

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