Hanamaru Kichijitsu w Nagoya

JaponiaHanamaru Kichijitsu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒460-0008 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Sakae, 5-chōme−1, 21MLアシスト栄ビル1F
kontakt telefon: +81 52-261-1870
strona internetowej: hanamaru-kichijitsu.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1652239, Longitude: 136.9106114

komentarze 5

  • ma u

    ma u


    I had a gourmet person bring me for his birthday because he said he could eat crab! The store only has counter seats, but it's spacious and doesn't feel oppressive! There's no big signboard or anything, so I think it's a famous restaurant that only those in the know know about. Each dish was carefully prepared, and each dish was truly delicious! ! ! Plump crab crispy crab firm crab You can enjoy a variety of crabs 💕 This is a restaurant highly praised by gourmet people. I'd like to go there even when it's not crab.

  • daisuki osake

    daisuki osake


    I went to Hanamaru Yoshihito. Before we moved to our current location around May of last year, I used to visit them occasionally. It was the best Japanese food for the money! I was able to go there for the first time after it had been relocated, but it seems like the prices for the courses have increased by about 30%. Well, the cost performance was just too good to begin with, so the current price is reasonable. Actually, I went there about a month ago, so I forgot how much the photo course was (^◇^;) I'm sure it's 10,000 per person? I think it cost around 30,000 yen to just under 40,000 yen for the two of us after drinking alcohol. ? It's still delicious. Fruits are also well incorporated. Dessert was also extremely delicious. Boiled yellowtail? For some reason, it smells really fishy😭 Why? ? But for me, the previous store was better. I think that the current stores are too pretentious, or rather, they are too high-class and seem to be too expensive to enter, making them a bit difficult to visit. I guess red lanterns look good on common old men after all~ (^◇^;) Like 💦

  • 食べ歩き女の記録マップ



    ▪︎Live crab course (with tag) Last month of crab season I was looking forward to the crab party🦀 Appetizer of fruit tomatoes and firefly squid Steamed sushi with sea urchin and crab, and snow crab shabu-shabu dipped in crab miso are an amazing performance! ! Creative seasonal sashimi, cream crab spring rolls, grilled crab🦀 Finish off with a luxurious mushroom hotpot! Made with Horaiizumi Junmai Daiginjo Sora Hot pot served with dashi soup✨ Full of oysters, milt and crab... Full of unusual mushrooms... Filled with shredded seaweed... and the rich brother, each with a different taste depending on the ingredients. I was able to taste the deep flavor of the ingredients. Finish off with fottuccine and red and white strawberries for a stylish finish. Concluded. Wake up sake Yamada Nishiki Homasu Hanamaru Yoshihito's sake with your favorite design A relaxing time with a glass of Kiriko... It was very delicious. I would like to visit again Thank you for the meal✨

  • 大魔王わんきち



    I received the 6800 yen course. It was truly delicious and very satisfying, from the first bite to the sweetness at the end. The main dish, the Assorted Ozosato eight kinds, looks impressive, but each item is extremely fresh and delicious. Packed with autumn flavors such as first-grown matsutake mushrooms, saury, and chestnuts, you can truly feel the seasonal spirit. The last meal, mackerel sushi, was also extremely delicious! If you want to enjoy delicious fish and eat it thoroughly, this is the place to go. I think it goes well with alcohol, so I recommend it to people who drink alcohol. It looks like they have a good a la carte menu, so I'm definitely going to visit there next time. Credit cards accepted, no parking available (coin parking available nearby).

  • Patrick MF Cheng

    Patrick MF Cheng


    Delicious & innovative Japanese Cuisine! Good service! Value for money! So yummy of the ox tongue soup for complicated flour! Lovely present sashimi & special....yummy!

najbliższy Restauracja

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